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“This is a real nice place. Big enough for all of us to live in and still give you and I the privacy that we need. But I just want to make sure everything is the way my mother needs it to be so she can be as independent as possible. I mean, in just thesefew months, I have seen her getting stronger and doing more for herself. I have you to thank for that,” I said.

“I can’t take all that credit. She is working very hard each day. I am just her cheerleader, encouraging her to keep going. And Mayson, while we were working, you did all of this on your own. This place is amazing. Beach front property and everything is one level. She is going to love this place just as much as I do. And since she is going to be here shortly with Orion, she will be able to tell you herself how good you did,” Crystal smiled.

“If she doesn’t, I’m sure Orion will tell me the truth,” I said. “He never holds back.”

“Don’t believe me?”

“You think everything I do is wonderful,” I reminded her.

She laughed. “That is not true at all. For instance, you make horrible poached eggs.”

“What was wrong with them?” I asked.

“The yolk is supposed to be runny. Yours was more like a flat hard-boiled egg,” she said, making a face.

“For your information, I love hard-boiled eggs. And I did warn you that I shouldn’t be in the kitchen prior to having coffee,” I reminded her. The coffee pot was still packed away someplace. I needed to find it before morning. “You should be grateful you didn’t get a mouth full of eggshells.”

“I am. But I was just trying to make a point that I do not believe you are perfect.”

I pulled her into my arms and kissed, her. “Good, because only one of us can be perfect, and that is you, my love.”

“You weren’t saying that last night when your steak was cooked so thoroughly that you could use it to patch a hold in the sole of your shoe,” she smirked.

“I was to blame for that. It was me who...distracted you,” I said. And given the opportunity, I would do it again. Just next time I would turn the stove off before foreplay. It losessomething when the house fills with smoke, and the fire department shows up to put it out. Not how I wanted to spend our first night together here, but like everything else, it will be memorable. “I am seeing a pattern."

“What is that?” she asked.

“That we are meant to go out to eat more often.”

She rolled her eyes. “You're only saying that because you hate doing the dishes with me."

“Maybe that too. But since you invited everyone for the holiday’s, we need to really think of a plan now. It’s only a week away from Christmas. I suggest we either all go out to eat or start using paper plates,” I suggested.

“My mother would flip out of we didn’t use the china. It only comes out on special occasions,” she explained.

“Don’t they make fancy paper plates?” I teased.

She slapped my arm and said, “Don’t forget, it’s not just my mother that will be here. Your mother, and grandmother will be too as well as the rest of both of our families. What do you think they will say if you bring out the paper plates?”

“Well, the women will give me a hard time, but the men, well, I’ll get a lot of pats on the back for my genius.”And balls for pulling off something they haven’t managed to do at their house.

“To save you from all the lecturing fromuswomen, we will use the china,” she said firmly. “And as far the other guys, if I hear one peep out of them, they are being volunteered on dish duty too,” she warned.

“That’s not a threat to me. It’s called help,” I laughed.Bring it on. I could us it.

“You are impossible, do you know that?”

“Yup. But you love me anyway,” I said.

She nodded. “Yes, I do. But what I don’t enjoy is unpacking all these boxes. I told you we should’ve bought a furnished place.”

“That wouldn’t work.”

“Why is that?” she asked.

“Because this place is ours. If it was furnished, then it wouldn’t be what we wanted, it would always be what they wanted it to be, not what we do,” I said.

“You're right. This is our place. It should represent us. Since we both love the ocean, it’s a great start. But we do have only two weeks left before we host a gathering here. It would be nice to have a dining room set for them all to eat at,” she said.

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