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“How do you know?” I asked.

“Any time we talk about the letter. Or about him coming to see me, your eyes fill with pain, and you look away.”

“Why didn’t you tell me. Demand to know the truth if you knew I was hiding it from you?” I questioned.

“My dear Crystal. I spent years hiding things. Remember? Who am I to judge someone that does the same thing. I know you weren’t doing it for yourself. You were doing it for me. You didn’t want to give up hope that one day my sons would come.”

I looked into her eyes and said, “No. I don’t want you to give up. Not on them and not on yourself. I know I failed you, but I believe in Mayson. He now knows you’re alive and looking for him. He will come. I know he will.”

She smiled. “Yes. He will. But Crystal, he will come for you. Not for me.”

“How can you say that? You’re his mother,” I reminded her.

“I am. I gave birth to him and his brother. But it takes more than that to be a mother.”

I nodded. “It takes love and sacrifice. You have given them both that. I just need another chance to get him to see that.”

“You have done all you can do for him. For me. You’ve given us both something so precious. Your love.”

I did love her. She drove me crazy, but I loved her. And because of that, it scared me to death that she was going to give up again. “Anya, please don’t let what I told you stop you from getting better.”

“We both know that I only have so much time. But I do have control over how to spend that time. I’m through with laying in that bed in my room. I was never allowed to go and see anything without my late husband by my side watching my every move. I am free from him. And because of you, and all of your kindness you’ve shown me, I am free from my past as well. There is a world out there. A wonderful world that I want to see. I just need to gain some of my strength back so we can go see it.”

She really wasn’t giving up. “I’m so happy to hear that. I just wish I could’ve given you your sons back.”

“You have not just given me my sons back, but I feel as though I have a daughter now too,” she smiled.

I laid my head on her lap and cried. Everything had fallen apart. All the plans went astray. But the universe turned it around and given Anya what she needed most of all. Peace.

Universe, can I ask a favor. Can you do the same for me?



Having someone like Bennett as a friend was much better than if he was an enemy. The guy had so many connections the finding out where Crystal lived was easy for him. But he also found her parents and I learned that she goes to see them every Sunday for brunch. I spent hours each day with them over the last two weeks, getting to know them, more about Crystal, and more importantly, answering all their questions they had about me, so they knew I wasn’t here to hurt their daughter.

I understood why they insisted on getting to know me before entrusting their daughter with me. They had never heard my name before I showed up at their doorstep. The only thing they knew was Crystal had traveled on vacation and hadn’t been the same since she came back. Now they knew why. She was broken hearted, and I was here to fix that.

I couldn’t have done it on my own. It took a lot of convincing and help from Bennett and Zoey, but her parents finally agreednot to keep my presence here a secret, but also to allow me to steal her away for the day instead of my joining them for brunch.

Granted, I could’ve gone and saw her before this, but she lived at my mothers. I wasn’t ready to deal with that. If I went there, this would be about a mother and son reunion. Although I wanted to see her eventually, just not now. I was here for one reason. Crystal.

The limo was parked directly in front of her parents' house. I was dressed in a nice suit. Had what I learned to be her favorite flower. Pink carnations and now all I needed was for her to come with me when I asked.

They said Crystal was never late, but to me, I was counting every second. I couldn’t wait to see her again. Hopefully she felt the same.

Each time I heard a vehicle turning onto their street, my heart skipped a beat with anticipation. One thing I learned about the States was everyone had a car. Traffic was crazy here and I was glad I wasn’t driving. Just being near Crystal again was going to be a major distraction. I never could’ve maneuvered the city streets safely.

I have no idea why she likes it here. It was busy, noisy and crowded. I would also need to add, cold. I hadn’t stopped shivering since I landed two weeks ago. I’d take my tropical island over this any day. But if this is where Crystal wants to live, then I better get used to freezing my ass off, because I’m going to let a little frost bite come between us.

Several more cars passed by, but then I noticed one the right color. Could it be her? It slowed down and pulled into the driveway and parked. I wanted to open the door, run up to her and pull her into my arms. But that wasn’t the plan. We needed to talk. Mostly me. Hopefully she as willing to listen.

She started up the walkway. Her parents were standing on the porch. Her mother raised her hand stopping her from going any further. This was my queue. I opened the door and got out.

They exchanged a few words, and then Crystal spun around, eyes wide open in disbelief. Then she looked back to her parents, who nodded and waved to me. It was their way of giving me their blessing. More than I expected. More than I deserved. Grateful, nonetheless.

She walked over to me and asked, “Mayson, what are you doing here?”

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