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“A few days. I am here on vacation, and he was kind enough to bring me to shop for a dress for the wedding I’m attending tomorrow.” Wasn’t about to mention that fact he asked me to goas his date. I knew that wasn’t going to be a good thing, at least not in her eyes.

“You look like a very nice woman. Don’t fall for his...charms. You will only get your heart broken,” she stated.

Since the woman was in her late sixties, I had to assume it wasn’t from her own experience. “Did he break your daughter’s heart?” I asked, even though I shouldn’t. It wasn’t any of my business. Not like we were serious. Heck, we hadn’t even kissed. All he had been to me, was kind to me. I was the one who hadn’t been upfront with him. If she should be worried about someone getting hurt, it was Mayson and Orion. But I wanted to know Mayson, all of him, and if he was going around breaking hearts, that was a part I should know too.

Maybe if I learn he is a complete asshole, I won’t feel so badly about keeping my true intentions from him.

“It is my granddaughter. Mr. Moyer took her to dinner a few times. She wouldn’t listen to me. I told her that he wasn’t a man who wanted a relationship. But she wouldn’t listen, and let her heart open up to him. And then, he stopped calling her. She was crushed because when she saw him next, he was with someone else.”

I reached out and touched her hand. “I’m sorry. They do say that love hurts, but I know that with the right person, it doesn’t.” I haven’t been lucky enough to find my right person and have had my share of bad breakups too. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t believe that one day it could happen for me too. “I hope she finds her person because it doesn’t sound as though Mayson was it.”

“No. And I don’t believe he is yours either,” she stated.

It was too soon to tell, but there was something special growing, at least for me. But I know that I’m not his person. Love can’t start with a lie, but I already know this will end with him hating me.

Maybe me hating myself even more.Keeping it off me and back onto her granddaughter, I asked, “Is she doing okay now?”

“No. She has been crying for two days. She won't even come out of her room. I told her that she will lose her job if she doesn’t return to work.”

“Keeping busy might help her keep her mind off him.” I knew the Tabiq didn’t have a very strong economy, and I would hate to see her lose a job over this.

“She said she will go to work tomorrow. I told her to go today. But unlike years ago, you don’t always listen to what your elders are telling you.” She let out a heavy sigh, and added, “I am worried about her.”

If she was still crying, then I had to assume it was a very recent breakup. “Maybe she just needs more time to get over the breakup,” I said.

“They would’ve had to be a couple to break up. But it has only been two days,” she said.

Two days? Like the two days that I’ve been spending with Mayson? Shit!

My mouth gaped open. She couldn’t be talking about me, could she? I mean the timing is right, but that’s all. I didn’t need to even ask.

“She works at New Hope, and she saw him dropping you off. At first, she thought he was just giving you a ride from the airport. That is a common thing here. The resort will ask trusted people to transport guests from the airport to the resort. But then Mr. Moyer returned. And she watched you leave with him again. She knew then that this was more than just a ride. He was...interested in you.”

I wanted to correct her. Tell her that he was just transportation. But that wasn’t true. Even the fact that he washere with me at the dress shop, and stayed, said this wasn’t business.Just not sure what it is.

“I’m sorry. I had no idea that he was dating someone.”

It wasn’t my focus when I arrived. It shouldn’t be now, but somehow it did bother me that I stepped into his life when someone else was trying to.

“I told her that he wasn’t serious about her. She wouldn’t listen. This is who Mr. Moyer is. He dates and then moves on. He willneversettle down with one woman.”

“Then it sounds like she is better off finding someone who is,” I said.

“And what about you? Are you prepared to get your heart broken?” she asked.

“I am here on vacation. Nothing more. I’m not looking for a relationship.”

I hoped that didn’t make me sound as though I was here for some vacation fling either. I wasn’t a woman who slept around. Heck, since becoming Anya’s personal nurse and for the most part, living with her, I’ve only dated a few times. Unfortunately, none of those dates included sex.

This one doesn’t either.

“At least you have been warned about what you’re getting yourself into. Like I told my granddaughter. If you get hurt, you have no one to blame but yourself.” The door opened and Mayson walked inside. The woman got up and said, “I will have your package delivered to New Hope by the end of the day, pressed and ready. Thank you for your business.”

She didn’t even wait until we left before heading into the back room again. It now was obvious that she held resentment towards Mayson. Couldn’t blame her. Seeing someone you love hurting, also hurts you.

“Are you ready?” he asked as though he hadn’t picked up on the tension in the room.

Getting up I said, “Yes. And since you appear to be busy, maybe you can just drop me back off at the resort.”

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