Page 29 of Knockout Bachelor

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“Did you need me to look for the buttons and sew them on for you quickly?” I asked.

“I don’t have that kind of time.”

“I have a shirt that might fit you. It’s in my closet,” I said, rushing off to get it. When I returned and held it out to him, he didn’t take it. “It’s clean.”

“Thanks, but I don’t want to wear some other guy's shirt,” he snarled.

I looked at the shirt and didn’t understand why it offended him so much. “But it’s clean. Washed. Just hanging in my closet.”

“Good. He can wear it. Not me,” he snapped.

I was puzzled. What was I missing? “What’s your problem? I’m trying to be nice, so you don’t look like your shirt has been half ripped off of you when you pick up your parents.”

“Sydney, whoever that shirt belongs to, he obviously is special enough that you opted to keep it.”

I could’ve slapped myself in the head for being so dense. How was it that it didn’t dawn on me beforehand?Because I don’t normally bring a guy home. “You think it was a lover. Well, you’re wrong. It belongs to my brother. He had stayed here years ago when I had a surgical procedure, and they wanted someone with me overnight. He left it here and we both forgot about it.” Extending it to him again, I asked, “Any issue with wearing his shirt?”

He took it from me and said, “Thanks. You must think I'm a jerk.”

I shook my head. “I take it as a compliment that you think I have lovers over here. I’m so busy that dating isn’t something I’ve made time for in a few years.” Not something I should’ve admitted to, but I felt comfortable with him. Not just now but from the moment I met him. Maybe that’s what scared me a little. How easy everything was with Cameron. Even expressing to him that I wanted him, needed him. It felt natural. Like we’d been together for a long time, instead of just meeting a week ago.

As he took his shirt off and put on Ken’s, he said, “Busy or not, you must have men knocking your door down. You’re not just beautiful, Sydney, but you’re funny, and intelligent, and... amazing in bed. Hell, I almost want to text my parents and tell them to call UBER because leaving you physically hurts.”

There was something in Cameron’s voice that said he wasn’t joking or saying it just to get laid. He meant those words, and it touched my heart.

“No one has ever said that to me before,” I replied.

“Then they were idiots. You’re amazing. Don’t ever let anyone tell you differently,” he said, pulling me into his arms and kissing me. When he broke the embrace, he asked, “Did you want to come?”


“To bring my parents to the airport. I know it’s nothing fun, but maybe we can do something after dropping them off,” he said.

“Your parents were very sweet, and I’d love to join you. But aren’t you afraid of your mother starting in on the grandkid topic if she sees us together again?” I asked.

He sighed. “Yeah. You’re right. She is relentless. But I don’t give a fuck if you don’t. I do understand if you’d rather avoid such torture.”

“It’s not torture at all. If anything, it reminds me that I’m not getting any younger and someday, in the future, maybe I will want children. Just right now is not the time. I think maybe in five years.”Shut up and stop talking about kids.If he changed his mind and booked it out the door right now, I wouldn’t blame him.

“That’s a reasonable time period. I hadn’t given much thought about a family myself, but I know someday I want one.”

At least we were on the same page. Neither of us was looking to rush into anything.Even though we have rushed into bed together.

“Well if we are going, better go now before your parents think you forgot them,” I reminded him.

He nodded. “Looks like we’re taking the Jeep because your Smart car barely fits me.”

“Very true,” I said, reaching for my purse and house keys.

He stood there looking at me and said, “And I know you’re not afraid of what my mother is going to say, but trust me, she will have a lot to say if you come in nothing but your robe.”

I looked down and my jaw dropped. “See what you do to me? I actually was going to leave without getting dressed.”

“I know. It’s adorable,” he grinned. “Now hurry. The clock is ticking.”

Placing the purse back down, I rushed into the bedroom and got dressed. I brushed my teeth, combed my hair, and put it in one single braid down my back. When I came back out, Cameron was rinsing his coffee mug.

“Is this better?” I asked.

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