Page 10 of Amazing Grace

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“We just came from there,” Grace said, indicating their coffee and muffins.

“Is there anything we can do? It must’ve been awful.” Zoe said. She hurried to the kitchen before Grace or Molly could answer and returned with a pot of fresh coffee and a plate of muffins. “What happens now?”

“I’m not sure. It seems Sheriff Maverick considers us both suspects, at least until they check out our alibis.”

“That would be us, right?” Emily asked. “We both saw you last night, Grace.”

“Yes, and Molly’s roommates saw her last night, too.” Grace sighed and nibbled on her muffin. She turned to Molly. “I just can’t understand why he was in Summit Springs. Did you tell him that was where you were living?”

Molly held her coffee cup in her hands. “No. When I broke up with him we weren’t living together. I was still living at home with my mom and dad. I’d finished college and was looking for someplace to start my life. I’d been to Summit Springs and loved the place. Without Jeremy to keep me in Denver, I had no excuse not to move, so I did. I didn’t tell him because I wasn’t speaking to him anymore. I wanted to be shed of him.”

Grace’s eyes flashed open wide as a thought occurred to her. “Maybe he didn’t even know you were here. He didn’t try to contact you, right? Maybe there’s someone else in town he came to see.”

Molly considered it. “It could be. Maybe a victim of the Ponzi scheme? He might’ve been trying to get somebody to drop the charges against him. Or maybe he was still up to his old tricks, trying to con someone.”

“Either way, somebody else in town must have known he was here.” Grace exclaimed. “We need to find out who.”

“What do you mean,weneed to find out who? What about the police?” Molly asked, eyes wide.

Grace sighed. “I’m sure Sheriff Maverick will be looking at us first and foremost. We found the body, you knew him, and we were together at the maze. Let’s face it – we look guilty as hell.” Grace sighed and continued. “Look, you’re just starting your life here in Summit Springs, and I own a big firm in Denver.We need to clear our names as soon as possible or both our reputations will be trashed. Finding out who knew Jeremy Prada was in town and why may lead us to figure out who killed him, and that’s the only way to absolutely clear our names. Even if the police say we’re no longer suspects, rumor will keep us guilty until proven otherwise.”

“Do you think we can do it? I mean, will people talk to us?” Molly asked.

“I don’t see why not. We’re only asking questions and we’re not the police. Most people like to talk.” Grace looked at Zoe and Emily. “What do you think?”

“I think it can’t hurt to try. Most people up here are friendly. If they know something, they’ll probably tell you,” Emily said.

“And if they kick you to the curb, you might have reason to suspect them,” Zoe added.

“If you don’t mind, I asked Molly to stay the night. Maybe more than one night. I don’t want her alone in her apartment.”

“She’s welcome, but I thought she had roommates?” Zoe asked.

Grace nodded. “She does, but I don’t know them. We don’t know if one of them knew Jeremy. I don’t trust anyone I don’t know well. You two and Jenny and Alicia are probably the only people I truly trust in town.”

“Grace, of course, she can stay here with you.” Emily cried. “And if you need help, just holler at us. We’ll be glad to help.”

“You have a family, Emily. It would be best if you didn’t get caught up in whatever this all is,” Grace said. She stood up. “Give me two nights. I’ll find another apartment.”

“We don’t want you to go.” Zoe said as she ran up and threw her arms around Grace’s neck. “You’re family, too. You’ve been staying with us every year since we built this house!”

“I know, I know, and after this is all over I’ll be back. But until we know why Jeremy was in Summit Springs and who killed him, it’s safer this way.”

“No. You’re staying here and that’s final!”

Grace sighed and nodded, and then gently removed Zoe’s arms and stepped away. She turned to Molly. “Is there anything you need from your apartment?”

“Just some clothes, I guess. Toiletries. The usual stuff, you know.”

“Then we’ll stop at the apartment so you can get them. After that, the only person you talk to is me, Zoe, Emily, Alicia, or Jenny. Okay?”

Molly nodded.

Grace was determined. “I really want to find out what he’s doing in Summit Springs. I’m curious.”

“You know what they say about curiosity.”

“Then it’s a damn good thing I’m not a cat.”

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