Page 75 of Grave Peril

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Rip supposed that made the cartel boss the devil incarnate.

The guards ushered Rip aboard, and he guided Lela in front of him, so he could keep an eye on her. The boat was a floating mansion. There was a wall-sized waterfall cascading into the swimming pool on the lower level.

There was a lounge area with curved leather seating and carved wood tables. And one level down was a theater with a commercial-size movie screen. The incongruity of criminal occupants partying in the luxurious accommodations wasn’t lost on Rip.

Before the group reached the rear deck, the engine of the opulent craft roared to life. Rip was running out of options fast. Once out at sea, or worse, in Mexican territory, the cartel would be in control of their destiny.

Rip took stock of the surroundings. The boat had been prepared for action. He spotted machine guns, knives, and even grenades. The captain of this floating artillery wasn’t likely to lose control of his ship. With all the weaponry and the soldiers aboard, it would be a nearly impossible feat to commandeer the boat.

Along with the weapons of defense, the yacht was equipped for safety. The fire extinguishers were in appropriate places. Life preservers were in colorful stacks. And flares for signaling distress were handy. There was a pile of them.

That made Rip wonder if the flares had passed the expiration date. He doubted keeping the items current or staying up to date with regulations was part of cartel mentality. With enough heat or pressure, expired flares could ignite, so they were a fire hazard. Flares could be as dangerous as they were useful.

The yacht backed out, disrupting the calm bay and heading out of port. Rip and Lela stood on deck by an open door. “That’s the engine room,” the cartel boss said. “I’d give you a tour, but I have other more urgent matters to attend to.”

Lela stood close to Rip. “Who are you? What do you want with us?”

“You didn’t really think that Almanza was in charge, did you?” His expression lacked any human quality. His eyes were unblinking, like those of an animal about to pounce on its prey. He didn’t look away, didn’t move a muscle.

“He’s dead,” Rip said.

The deep-throated chuckle sent a chill up Rip’s spine.

“You did me a favor,” the boss said. “Almanza was inconsequential. It was time for him to go.” He gave them a cold look. “I’m the leader of the organization.”

Oh, shit. If this dude was who Rip thought he was…

“The fear in your eyes tells me that you know of me.”

Jesus…the uber-criminal Omar Zapatero, leader of one of the most notorious cartel branches.

“Yes, I control Le Sicarii.”

The man was savage, terrifying. Rip would not allow him to interrogate Lela.

“You may call me Zap, as I am known throughout my country.” The boss’s polite demeanor did little to disguise the villain that he was.

“You were the senator’s contact?” Lela said.

“I’m the one who’ll be asking the questions.” Zap’s reputation was known beyond the borders of Mexico. He was brutal, without conscience, and had no mercy for his fellow man.

Rip was clear about the type of man he was dealing with. Zap had no honor or loyalty. He craved power for power’s sake. The money was a bonus that came along with it.

“I’ll tell you that Ortiz has been a disappointment,” Zap said. “But he’s replaceable.”

Lela was in an untenable position. Even cooperation with Zap wouldn’t spare her.

Only one guard hovered nearby. Zap didn’t seem concerned about security. His guests were prisoners, incapable of fighting off the numerous thugs aboard.

Zap shook his head. “It’s unfortunate that the senator thought he could steal from me. I’m sure you know about the obscene amount of money he’s stashed away for his future…a future he won’t live to see.”

As the sand drained from the hourglass, Rip’s mind raced. Seconds counted. He’d have to move fast, because it wouldn’t be long before the boat was out of the harbor. But how could he thwart Zap and his crew?

Zap stared at Lela. There was no empathy in his eyes. Her life wasn’t worth anything. To the cruel master, a person was an object, his to use and toss aside.

“You’re going to tell me where Ortiz has the money,” Zap said. “I’ll take you to a place where you can’t disappear.” He leered at Lela. “I’m going to enjoy torturing you, puta.” He spat. “I might even have some fun with you…before I finish you off.”

Calling Lela a whore was beyond the pale. Rip seethed. “You won’t get away with this, you fucking soulless bastard.”

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