Page 20 of Grave Peril

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Chapter 6

That morning, Rip sent Lela on her way, but he wasn’t far behind. He couldn’t fault her for wanting to be independent. Yet he’d had experience with the cartel, so didn’t dare leave her to fend for herself—no matter the reason.

Lela’s gesture of releasing him from any obligation to protect her had been touching. But he hadn’t bought it for a second. She’d need a bodyguard to stand a chance against the danger she faced. Rip had no qualms about doing the job.

As a surveillance professional, Rip had the techniques down. He let her get ahead until she seemed focused on where she was going. Then he followed, not far behind. It wasn’t too difficult to stay out of sight.

When Lela stopped at the bridge, he watched her. She appeared lost in thought, no doubt feeling the loss of the life she’d had. That was to be expected, since she’d been pulled away from those she was close to and thrust into an unknown future.

Rip intended to right that wrong.

He felt a bit guilty watching her, but intruding on her private moment couldn’t be helped. He had to keep his eyes on her. There was little chance that the enemy would gun her down, since their primary aim would be to interrogate her.

Capturing her was their goal. That was what Rip had to prevent. So he stayed close enough to thwart any kidnappers and divert threats. He maintained his bodyguard role, keeping a low profile while remaining alert.

Lela pushed away from the bridge railing and went toward downtown. If she had a plan, she hadn’t shared it. So Rip didn’t know what she had in mind. It could be as simple as getting lost in the crowded city—not that bad of an idea.

The autumn day was mild, and Lela looked lovely walking down the street, even in the fake blond hair. Her step had some spring to it, and she gazed around, clearly enjoying the walk. Under other circumstances, she could have spent the day in the city unmolested.

But that wasn’t Lela’s fate. She was wanted by men whose ruthlessness made Rip cringe. He knew their brutality. There was no way in hell that he’d allow Lela to be taken. She wouldn’t make it back alive.

It was of the utmost importance for Rip not to botch his bodyguard responsibilities. He stayed sharp, ready for action. There would be an attempt to take Lela; it was only a matter of when.

Lela strolled down the sidewalk, taking her time. When she reached the edge of downtown, she momentarily slowed, then moved on. She picked up her step as though more certain of her destination.

The downtown area provided better cover. Shops, alleyways, and buildings offered places to stay out of sight. The best way to watch Lela was to stay ahead of her, not behind. So once Rip observed her route, he jogged down a couple of alleys to take up an advance position.

Franklin Avenue was a bustle of activity, but Lela’s blond hair stood out. She dodged around pedestrians, various business types on their way to the office. Then her expression changed.

Rip was used to picking up any subtle changes in a subject’s demeanor. Something had her worried. He surveyed the scene.

A driver of a black sedan with darkened windows had pulled up to the curb and left the engine running. Rip had a visual on the driver and front passenger—two thugs for sure. Both men had looks that could kill, and their flashy tattoos signaled their association with the cartel.

Lela wasn’t far away, so Rip moved in to take a position a few doors up from her.

Then a third gangster got out of the back seat. He was tall and beefy, the type that was all brawn and little brains. The cartel’s best men were at the top of the food chain. For a street job like this, any burly street thug would do—or so they’d probably assumed.

The car was a block ahead of Lela. The gangster ambled back toward her, using the crowds on the sidewalk for cover. He passed Lela, got a good look at her face, then spun around to come up behind her.

Rip was ready for action. He had the advantage that the cartel didn’t know about him. So he stepped onto the sidewalk in plain view and looked right at Lela. All she had to do was come to him, and Rip would make the thugs back off.

Before Lela looked up, the gangster made a swift move. He momentarily lifted Lela off her feet, then kept his hands on her arms when he put her down.

In a flash, Lela reacted. With her hiking shoe, she attacked with a stomp kick. To get the full force of her leg behind the kick, she brought her knee up, then drove her heel down swift and hard. The impact hit the shoelace part of the guy’s foot. The hard sole of her shoe might have broken some of the tiny bones in the guy’s foot. It was an effective way to keep him from running after her.

The gangster flinched and doubled over, but he wasn’t down yet.

There was no way Rip would let the guy take Lela, but she seemed able to defend herself. For good measure, she executed a maneuver guaranteed to incapacitate her attacker for several seconds. She grabbed his testicles in her fist, twisted, and pulled.

Then Lela ran like hell.

Rip stood at the opening to the alley. Lela spotted him and ran toward him. When she was close enough, Rip grabbed her and ducked around the corner.

Another gang member headed their way, the one from the front passenger seat. It appeared he’d become aware of his buddy’s trouble and had come to help.

Rip stood in front of Lela, blocking her from any attacker. The pursuing gangster rounded the corner at a dead run.

Using the guy’s own momentum, Rip grabbed him and slammed the guy’s face against the brick building. The heavy blow to the head knocked him unconscious, and he slumped to the ground.

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