Page 74 of Robby

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Robby fluttered his hand in the air. “I’m just playing about the kiss. They’re going to be happy for us, though. I promise. And you can tell me hello any way you want. I still can’t get over the fact youwantit to be something special. You wanting…me…at all blows my mind.”

“Stop it right now. You’re the best person I know.”


Gripping Robby’s hand, he interlocked their fingers. “You are smart and kind and giving and patient. Anyone would be lucky to have you in their life. I’m lucky, and I need you to hear it and believe it. Know you deserve special hellos and flowers at the front door and probably a hundred other good things I haven’t even thought of yet.”

“I didn’t thank you—for the flowers. No one’s ever—It was the first time I’ve ever gotten flowers.”

“The first time I’ve ever given them.” He kissed the back of Robby’s hand joined with his own. “Also, the first time I’ve ever been in love with someone. A bunch of firsts with you, Rob.”

Robby’s fingers tightened around him, but he didn’t say anything; he only nodded to himself for a while, like everything was sinking in. Matt wanted to stuff the words back into his mouth.

Before he could break the tension with some awkward backtracking, Robby spoke. “I like that. Being a bunch of firsts for you. I’m not sure I have many firsts left for me. I’ve, uh.” He let out a breath. “I’ve done a lot…of stuff. But it’s never felt like it did with you. Not with anyone else.”

“Good.” Not as good as anI love you too, but Matt would take it.

“I want to meet your son.”

“Jimmy?” Matt probably should’ve thought about it before. If this was going to be the kind of relationship he thought it would, he couldn’t keep one part of his life separate from the other.

“Yeah. I know he’s the most important thing in your life. I respect the fact you’re a package deal, and I want to get to know him.” Robby shrank back a little. “Unless you don’t want me to.”

“No. I do. I have to talk to Patty, though.” Matt tilted his head back and stared at the ceiling. “Our conversation should be interesting.” Who knew how she would react? Would it make her ditch the offer to talk about custody? God, he hoped not.


Matt released Robby’s hand long enough to put two twenties on the table. “C’mon. I’ll walk you to your car. Since I didn’t give you a special hello, I need to make sure you get a special goodbye.”




As much as Matt looked forward to giving Robby an exceptional greeting the next morning, he settled for a soft smile. Like he’d said before, public displays weren’t high on his to-do list. Besides, he and Robby had dinner plans at Brick’s Thursday night. Well, Robby had plans. Hopefully, no one would mind him crashing the party.

Tuesday night, he went to his computer class, then went home and finished his final project. He’d need to decide soon if he could spare the money for a summer session.

But it was a question for another day. Tonight, while Robby went to the Q-Center, he’d tackle a different problem: Patty.

He’d hoped to talk at her apartment, but when he called, she told him she was working. So, he’d kill two birds with one stone, checking out the tattoo parlor she loved so much and break it to her about Robby at the same time. No telling if she’d be livid or heartbroken or maybe even a little happy for him. Only one way to find out.

Fantasy Ink took up one space in a glass-fronted strip mall, not too far from Closing Time. A neon sign sporting the name of the place hung next to the door, surrounded by colorful hand-drawn dragons, eagles, and snakes, amid a lush, verdant landscape, and a jewel blue painted sky.

The door brushed over an old-fashioned bell, which tinkled as he walked in. Not one person looked his way. A young white couple sat with their heads together, flipping through a book of designs. A Hispanic man with muscular arms, sleeved in tattoos, fiddled with a needle gun over the shoulder of a slender woman with skin the color of milky tea. Patty took notes on a small pad, a cordless phone crammed between her ear and her shoulder.

He walked through the modest, open lobby type area, needing less than a dozen steps to reach the small desk and computer area where Patty stood.

“Yes. I’ve got all your information. Like I said, Steve is pretty booked up, and the kind of work you’re looking for is going to take a while. He’s going to have to call you back to set something up.” She set the notepad next to the computer. “Yes, sir. Y—yes. Okay. Bye.”

Hanging up the phone on the wall mount, she groused under her breath before she looked up and caught Matt’s eye. “Never expected to see you here. You must really want to talk.”

She motioned him to follow her toward the tattoo area, where only one of three stations had a customer. “Steve, I need to take five.”

Her boss grunted and kept working.

Patty motioned for him to sit on the one of the chairs, and she pulled up a stool in front of him. “So, where’s the fire? Is this about Jimmy?”

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