Page 44 of Kane

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“Are you kidding me right now?”

The mask couldn’t hide Scott’s wide grin. “What do you think, brother? We’re really in business now.”

“What do I think?” A pulse beat at his temple. “You set up a fuckingmeth labin our clubhouse? What the fuck is wrong with you, man?”

Scott scowled. “Hey, what’s your problem?”

He bit his tongue so hard he tasted blood. “In the chapel.”

His brother followed him, pulling down his mask as they entered the private space. “You need to pull the stick out of your ass right now, K. Can’t you let me have the win here?”

He whirled to face Scott, tugging his own mask down. “The win? This isn’t about you getting credit for something. You set up a meth lab in our clubhouse!”

“It’s not gonna make itself,” his brother huffed. “Why is it you have to shit on every idea I have lately? We’ve been aces together for years, man. Best bros. Now, it’s like we’ve gone back in time. Like before you patched in. You thought you were so fucking special then, too good to do what the rest of us were doing. Fancy girl, fancy job, fancy college. Where did it get you? The exact same place as me. So maybe you should get over yourself.”

His jaw dropped at the venom in his brother’s voice. Scott had never been a fan of his plan to go white collar, but he’d never lashed out like this before. Except when it concerned Mandy, he was always pretty happy and affable. And yeah, theywerebest bros. He loved his brother, and Scott proved time and again over the years, there was nothing he wouldn’t do for Kane.

He tried being reasonable. “This has nothing to do with me. It’s common sense, Scott. A meth lab at the clubhouse puts us all in danger. First of all, those chemicals seep into the walls. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to wear a mask in here forever. And we’re assuming no one accidentally blows the place up first.” He dropped into one of the chairs. Elbows on the table, he rubbed at his temples. “Even if we don’t all get sick or die, all it takes is one fucking raid, and there is no explaining this shit away. We’re all going to jail.”

“Stop being such a pussy. We take risks all the time. I don’t see you having a cow over the guns we run. Cops pull us over on one of those deliveries, we’re looking at jail, too. None of our business is legitimate. We’re a motorcycle club, not a Girl Scout troop.” Scott leaned his back against the wall, one thumb in his jeans’ pocket. “We’re in the drug business, brother, whether you like it or not. Meth means cash. The shit is cheap and easy to make, and once we start selling it, we’ll be making money hand over fist.”

“This is a mistake, Scott.” Why couldn’t he see it?

“You’ve already made this argument and lost.” Scott stuck a cigarette in his mouth but didn’t light it. “We’re doing this my way, little brother. You better get on board, because this train is leaving with or without you.”

Scott put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. The hardness drained from his face, leaving him with a hopeful expression. “I’d rather have you with me, man.” Letting him go, Scott left the room.

He rubbed the same ache at his temple again. His brother wanted his approval. That much was obvious. How many times had he felt the same way? But this was a mistake, no matter how he looked at it.

What would Mandy think if she could see him now? Not only part of the MC. Not only running guns but pushing drugs. Hell,cookingthe shit.

As much as it had killed him to watch her walk away from him at the restaurant, maybe it was better this way. At least now, he wouldn’t know the shame, the look in her eyes, when she saw how far he’d fallen.



Amanda took a few minutes to collect herself before getting out of the car and walking the sidewalk to her father’s front door. She didn’t want to see him. The very idea of looking at his face made her stomach turn.

I can’t have you upsetting the balance right now, he’d said.

She hadn’t seen him since he ordered her to keep herself available for Nathan almost two weeks ago. She hadn’t seen Nathan either, which was a blessing since the bodyguard her father had promised never materialized. Technically, she hadn’t turned down any dates with the bastard because she hadn’t taken any of his calls. Maybe he’d lose interest.

And maybe the earth will open up and swallow my car whole.

Not likely.

Nathan Shaw liked to win, and right now she was the prize.

She cursed her father for what felt like the thousandth time, though the hard truth was it wasn’t only his fault. No one had forced her to accept his deal. No one had forced her to accept Nathan’s attention. Or to leave Kane in his hospital bed years ago.

No. Those were her sins. The ones she stayed up at night thinking about. Why it was damn hard to look at herself in the mirror. Why she felt so fucking worthless sometimes, the next horrible thing someone asked of her didn’t seem beneath her at all.

Enough feeling sorry for myself.

She needed the other twenty-five thousand her father had promised her, and she needed it now. Jared Berringer wasn’t a man to rest on his laurels. She would be ready to start work the minute he made the call.

Which meant start-up costs had to be in place.

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