Page 53 of Brick

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The woman waved it off. “He’ll be fine. For now, I’m responsible for everything, including this clusterfuck in Decatur. Can you please…tell me where to find Xander?”

“He’s upstairs.” Kane gestured toward the staircase, and she walked toward it. “Amanda?”

She stopped but didn’t turn around.

“I’m sorry about Mike.”

She nodded, then started to climb.

He waited until her shiny black pumps disappeared from view before approaching Kane. “What just happened?”

The man stomped out the front door, and Brick followed him into the street. “Wait up. Kane!”

Tattooed arms flexed as Kane pulled off his hard hat, and several strands of his dark hair came loose from the ponytail at the back of his neck. “Amanda and her brother Mike own the construction company. Seems like she’s here to rip Xander a new one over the Decatur house, which is stupid because the delays aren’t his fault.”

Folding his arms, he stood still and watched Kane pace the pavement next to the curb. “So, what’s the deal with the two of you?”

Kane’s jaw flexed. “There’s no deal.”

“If you say so, man.” He pulled a ten-dollar bill out of his wallet. “Why don’t you take a run to the donut place and get us some coffee? My treat.”

Kane scowled.

“She’ll probably be gone before you get back.”

Snatching the cash out of his hand, Kane stomped to his motorcycle. “Fine. I’ll be back in twenty.”

As the bike rumbled away, he wondered briefly how Kane would carry the coffee, but shrugged it off. The coffee had only been a smokescreen anyway.

He stepped back into the house, and raised voices echoed from upstairs. The entire crew had migrated to the backyard for an unscheduled break. Only Xander and Amanda remained unaccounted for. Robby paced nervously in and out of the French doors, which led to the rear patio.


The kid froze at the sound of his name.

“What’s going on?”

Abandoning his post at the back door, Robby approached him. “Ms. Griffin is getting a lot of flak from the guy who commissioned the other house. He said we’re not giving him what he wants.”

“The guy signed off on the plans. How is it Xander’s fault if he changed his mind? It’s bullshit.”

Robby snuck a glance at the staircase before continuing. “Yeah, it is. Now, the man’s threatening to pull out if we don’t make the changes for free. The company takes a hit either way, and you know bad stuff rolls downhill.”

The unmistakable sound of heels clicked down the stairs. “Get it done, Xander. I don’t have time for excuses, and we can’t afford any delays.”

The older man followed her down. The sun-darkened olive skin on his face blanched. “We’ll do our best, Amanda.”

She shot a look at the men now crowded around the back door. “See that you do.” She blew out the front door like a tornado and slammed it behind her.

Heat flooded his face. He liked Xander. The guy worked hard and gave things to you straight. Boss or no, the redhead had no right to talk to him the way she did. Judging from the expressions on the other guys’ faces, they felt the same way.

“Stand down,” Xander said tiredly. “We’re all under a lot of pressure. Amanda too.”

“But, Boss,” Will began.

“No. No buts. Sometimes you’ve got to shove it down and keep moving. I’m going to need every one of you to get these projects done on time. Can I count on you?”

One by one, every man nodded.

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