Page 26 of Brick

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He didn’t take her hand, but he moved his closer, letting the back of it rest against hers. “I’m sorry. I know what it is to lose your parents.” For a moment, his hard face looked unguarded. He seemed ten years younger.

Then his jaw firmed. “Whatever Will had to do to take care of you…I have nothing but respect. Obviously, you turned out amazing. Keeping a roof over your head at eighteen, that’s some stand-up shit.”

Her skin flamed where he touched her. Everything inside her strained for deeper contact. When his words finally registered, her reply came out in a rush. “Mom had life insurance, thank God. It paid off the house and helped us pay the bills for a few years. We sold the place when I graduated from high school. My share paid for college. My sister started her Krav Maga classes.”

The money came too late for Will. The familiar feeling of helplessness bubbled in her chest. “I wish we would have sold it sooner. Let Will use his share for a decent lawyer.” She buried her face in her hands. Losing Will carved out a hole in her heart she hadn’t fully healed.

Brick slid his chair closer and gently wrapped his arm around her shoulder. She turned into his embrace without thinking, seeking more of his comforting warmth. He smelled of Dial soap and a hint of sandalwood. Indulging herself, she breathed in deeply, committing his scent to memory.

“He wouldn’t let you sacrifice for him,” his deep voice rumbled. “He wanted you to have a home.”

Reluctantly, she pulled her head up to face him, but his arm remained at her back. Their faces were so close together, she could see the individual bristles of the five o’clock shadow on his face. She swallowed against the awareness of his touch. “Classic Will. Stubborn ass. When he got out, he used his money to buy a little place of his own. He’s still trying to take care of me, though.”

Brick’s arm fell away. “By warning you away from me.”

“He’s earned the right to tell me what he thinks, but I make the decisions about my personal life. I’ve always tried to do the right thing, and while it hasn’t always been the most exciting path, it’s what brought me to teaching, which is one of the greatest joys in my life. The other stuff—the things I don’t like about my life—I’m working to change them. But again, on my terms.”

Brick tilted his head. “You’re a teacher?”

She warmed at the approval in his eyes. “Yeah. High school.”

He chuckled. “I’ll bet the boys love you.”

“Eh. I get a few flirts, but nothing too crazy. I think most kids can tell when they get a teacher who really cares. I think it’s instinct. All I know is, helping them inspires me. I want to help them have better lives. Help them find opportunities.”

Brick rubbed his finger over the stem of her wine glass. “School was never really my thing. Maybe if I had someone like you looking out for me back then, my life would be different.” He blinked hard and stood abruptly. “Come on. It’s getting late. I told your friend I would take you home.”

She rose unsteadily to her feet, the effects of her cumulative five glasses of wine buzzing in her ears. She forced one foot in front of the other, following his broad back as he led the way through the small crowd, out the front door.

The hinges groaned as Brick opened the passenger door of his big navy work-truck, and she climbed inside. A moment later, he eased behind the wheel. “Where to?”

She was tempted not to answer. She wanted this night to last, but she murmured her address, and she’d barely closed her eyes before they arrived.

Without missing a beat, Brick climbed out and walked her to her door. She knew she was supposed to go in, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Instead, she stepped close to his body, breathing in his scent mingled with the sweet smell of night jasmine blooming nearby. He froze, and she ran her fingertips up the side of his arm.

“Do you want to kiss me?” She bit her lip. “Sometimes I think you do. Sometimes, I think you want it as much as I do.” She let her hand fall. “Is it all in my head?”

He groaned. “I lie in bed at night, dreaming about what it would be like to kiss you.” Moving slowly, he reached for her hand. She closed her eyes, her pulse racing in her ears.

And finally, she felt his lips…feather across her palm.

Everything within her wanted to throw herself in his arms, but when she opened her eyes, he’d already stepped back.

“Thanks for making my dreams come true, Livie-mine.” Then, like a ghost, he disappeared into the night.


Five minutes after she locked her door and slid off her shoes, Liv’s phone buzzed in her purse.

Carol: I see u made it home OK. I want details.

Liv scowled at Carol’s text.

Liv: R U spying on me? #creeper

She set down the phone to unbutton her jeans, but it buzzed again in seconds.

Carol: U think I’d really leave u alone with some strange guy? Of course, I followed u. #dumbass

She should’ve known. She probably would have known if she could’ve taken her eyes off Brick for five seconds.

She finished stripping down and crawled into bed wearing only her underwear and T-shirt.

Liv: Fine. Will call u l8r.

She fell asleep with the phone in her hand and dreamed of soft, full lips…the rasp of stubble…and the unmistakable want in Brick’s eyes as he told her goodnight.

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