Page 101 of Brick

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Sucre laughed. “What’s stopping me from keeping this money and rejecting your proposal?”

“You’d have to kill me, which would be a waste. I could help you.”

“You’re not understanding me.” Sucre rapped twice on the wall.

“I know exactly what you meant. You and I both know my grandmother’s health forced me into this life. The only way I’m staying in it is on my terms. You could kill me, but you have nothing to make me stay your bitch.”

Tre let himself in, a quivering Olivia, grasped tightly in his hands.

“You sure?” Sucre taunted.

Intentionally oblivious, he scoffed. “You’re trying to throw pussy at me again? Come on, boss.”

“You’re telling me you don’t know this woman?”

He stared at the love of his life with dead eyes. “I’ve never seen her before in my life.”

“You’re saying you wouldn’t care if I left her to Tre’s tender mercies?”

He barked out a laugh. “I wouldn’t wish that sick fuck’s tender mercies on anyone, but I’m not selling my life away for some stranger.” It was a gamble, but he had few cards left to play. “Let him take her home. Maybe he can get some of his perversions out of his system. He won’t be much good to you otherwise.”

Liv let out an involuntary cry as Tre grabbed her crotch roughly through her jeans. “Does this mean I can have her, boss?”

Sucre stared at the ceiling like a parent would, dealing with an unruly child. “You know it’s not truly a hunt when someone hands you the prize on a silver platter, but fine, take her. Go.”

He wouldn’t let himself watch Tre pulling her away. Instead, he gathered his money and returned it to his pack. “I guess you need time to consider my proposal.”

“No. I accept.” Sucre held out his hand for the backpack, and he handed it over right away. “I think you’re holding out on me a little, though. I thought you had closer to fifty thousand dollars in your old table. What are you doing with the rest of the money?”

“I thought I would put together a special service for my grandma, you know? Even if I’m the only one there, she deserves to have something nice.”

Sucre looked at him with a hint of pity. “You really are a sentimental fool.”

“I thought maybe we could call the whole crew together. Make an announcement. It would mean a lot to me.”

“Sure, Brick, call everybody in. Tell them to get here in the next thirty minutes.”

A half an hour would be perfect.



Liv didn’t expect Jonathan to do anything to tip off Sucre to their relationship. Still, when he acted like she meant nothing to him, it was a knife in her heart. When he’d looked at her, she saw nothing of the man she knew in his eyes. He was empty.

She had no choice but to save herself. You can’t win the prize if you stop running the race. Of course, she couldn’t do it from the trunk, where someone had shoved her yet again. It would have to happen when they got to Tre’s apartment.

Keeping her breathing as even as possible, she worked to stay calm so she could think this through. It would only excite him more if she gave in to her fear.

The knowledge helped her manage a blank look of acceptance when he finally opened the trunk to let her out. His disappointment was evident. Snarling, he yanked her by the arm to the pavement beside him. “Don’t even bother trying to scream. No one here will help you.”

“I believe you,” she murmured. The street was deserted, and she had no illusions someone would come outside if she cried out.

“You don’t seem very scared, Miss Turner. I think I might have some ideas about how to change that. I can be very…inventive.” His gold tooth flashed when he smiled.

“Oh, I’m scared. But it’s different than before. Last time, I was running for my life. I was so sure you would catch me. It was the most terrified I’ve ever been.” She hung her head. “Now I know I’m going to die. I have no choice but to accept it. There’s no chance for escape.”

He slapped her across the face, and tears sprang to her eyes. She allowed them to fall, keeping a look of utter defeat on her face. It had the desired effect.

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