Page 89 of The Waiting

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“Yes. Let me just get to… hold on.”

She unlocked the room, entered, and closed the door behind her.

“Sorry—I can talk now,” she said. “What’s up?”

“Let me guess,” Bosch said. “Colleen was hanging around listening.”

“Well, your daughter’s here too and she hasn’t said anything about what happened Saturday, so I’m assuming you don’t want her to know.”

“Might not be able to prevent that now. I just heard from a reporter at theL.A. Times.That’s why I’m calling, to give you a heads-up that somebody in the FBI is leaking.”

“Damn. Who was the reporter?”

“Scott Anderson. I neither confirmed nor denied.”

“I saw that he wrote a couple of the initial stories. So he’s plugged in. What did he ask that you didn’t answer?”

“Somehow he knows I was the CI. He asked how I knew about these guys wanting to buy machine guns.”

“Ugh. Did he mention me?”

“No, but I didn’t give him a chance to. I no-commented and hung up on him. But even if he doesn’t know about you, if they run a story about me, there are people in the department who know that you and I are tight. So that’s the heads-up.”

“Okay, got it. I appreciate the call.”

“Let me know if you hear from him.”

“I will.”

“How’s Maddie doing? I thought she worked Mondays at Hollywood.”

“She’s doing really good. She does work Monday PMs, but she came in today and I didn’t even ask why. She’s going to be a good detective, Harry. You’re gonna be proud.”

“I already am.”

“Good. Talk to you later, then.”

Ballard disconnected and looked at her watch. She needed to leave for her appointment with Dr. Elingburg, but first she put in a call to Agent Olmstead.

“Ballard, how are you doing?”

“I’m good. You still basking in the glow of your domestic-terrorist takedown?”

“Well, you could say that the powers that be around here are my new best friends.”

“Good to hear. But what’s not good to hear is that theL.A.fuckingTimesis calling Harry Bosch about him being your undercover informant on the caper.”

There was a pause while Olmstead considered this news.

“When did this happen?” he asked.

“Today,” Ballard said.

“I hope he declined to comment.”

“Of course he did, but here’s the thing—his name should have never gotten to the media. He’s a confidential informant, for Chrissake, Gordon. If theTimescomes out with a story, it could put him in danger. Who knows how many sympathizers and yahoos think that what Dehaven was planning was patriotic.”

“I know, I know. All I can tell you is that it wasn’t me and I’m going to jump on this and find out who the fuck it was.”

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