Page 76 of Just Act Natural

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“Take Krause up on her offer of that free hand pie. Blackbird’s next door has the best pies you’ll ever eat.”

I can’t get comfortable. I ate dinner, soaked in the hot tub, and tried to readWalden, but nothing helped. I even flipped through television channels. And I thought I wanted a month of this?

Normally, I don’t mind my own company, but tonight, I’m crawling out of my skin. It’s not the quiet that bothers me—it’s thatshe’snot here.

I can’t do this. I can’t get used to someone I’m going to have to give up in a couple more weeks. I can’t miss her when she’sonly across town. Soon enough, she’ll be across the country, and what will I do then?

I legitimately need to know.

Two minutes later, I pick up my phone.

Grant: How did party planning go?

I lay out on the king-sized bed in my T-shirt and shorts. Night seeps through the cabin, leaving everything but the halo of light around the bedside lamp in shadow. I can’t imagine it’s too late for her, but as the minutes tick by, I start to second guess.

Finally, my phone buzzes in my hand.

Lila: We’re all set for tomorrow!

Lila: Sorry, I was in the shower when your text came through

I refuse to let my thoughts gothere. It was bad enough sharing a hot tub. If I think about sharing a shower, I’ll go crazy.

Lila: Are you ready to make goo-goo eyes at me for my family?

Grant: I’ve been practicing goo-goo eyes all day

Lila: How was the bike ride?

Grant: Brutal. Know a good chiropractor in town?

Lila: Of course. But maybe you should take it easy on your old bones

Grant: Old? OLD?

Lila: I said what I said

I send her a couple of the better pictures I took on the trail, including a selfie with one of the mountains peeking out from behind me. I get a string of fire emojis in return.

Lila: That’s the best one

Grant: Just wait til we get you out there

I won’t even see the views.

Lila: It’s been a while since I rode a bike

Grant: Years?

Lila: Decades

Lila: Maybe we could do a tandem bike

Lila: You can do all the pedaling, and I’ll lounge in style

Grant: I’d be into that

At this point, I’d do pretty much anything in tandem with her.

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