Page 16 of Just Act Natural

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“There are some benefits to having a rugged mountain man at your side.”

“Mmm hmm.” I’m not imagining benefits with Grant. That would be a mistake and inappropriate and absolutely magnificent.

But mostly a mistake. I spent way too much time trying to be what my ex-fiancé wanted. I can’t start out at this kind of deficit with a guy—Grant’s some kind of mountain-climbingexpert, and I can’t even take off my pack without risk of injuring myself. I probably sound like a dummy to him. I won’t be in another relationship with a man who looks down on me.

Of course, Josh didn’t start out that way. That’s the tricky part—how do you know the guy who’s showering you with affection now won’t look right through you in another year or two? You don’t. So, you focus on rebuilding your life from the ground up, with a move back home, an all-new job, and a vintage studio apartment that’s at the very limit of your budget.

And by you, I mean me.

“Speaking of men, both rugged and otherwise…”

“Don’t say it.” I wince, preparing myself for the worst. “Please don’t say it.”

“Mom hasn’t given up on setting you up with Dr. Brendan.” Her sympathetic delivery doesn’t make the news any easier to take.

As much as Mom loved my fiancé, after we broke up, she became my ultimate defender. We ate countless tubs of ice cream while I poured my guts out about all the red flags I missed until I was swimming in them. But now that I’ve had a few months to regroup, she seems to think it’s open season on finding me a man.

Her man of choice: some pediatric dentist my dad knows in Bend. I’ve put her off approximately one thousand times, but eventually, I’m going to have to meet him. Unless I find someone on my own, which is unlikely.

If my gaze darts to Grant again, it’s only because I enjoy his profile. That jawline should have songs written about it.

“She needs a hobby outside of our love lives.”

Hope’s sharp laughter cuts through the line. “You’re one to talk. You got to avoid this for years when you were in Seattle. When it was me, you said I should indulge her and give the guysa chance. Funny how you’re singing a very different tune now that you’re the center of her romantic hopes and dreams.”

“I was naive, what can I say?”

“All she wants is to steer a good man your way.” Hope’s sing-song voice is little sister perfection. “Like a pirate ship ready to plunder your seas.”

“Ew, no. Terrible image. There are no marauding men on my horizon.”

Inexplicably, Grant and I lock eyes. I freeze, a tiny woodland creature who just frightened herself. He’s definitely close enough to have heard that, right? His mouth tugs the tiniest bit at the edges before he drops his eyes back to his phone.

Then, his mouth tugs up a tiny bit more.

Yeah. He heard it.

We can all agree this hike is turning out to be a funhouse trip calledThings That Make Lila Squirm. I’d like to get off the ride, but I’m strapped in for the next several days.

“I should get going,” I tell Hope. “There’s probably a hornet’s nest somewhere I’m scheduled to stumble over this afternoon.”

“You’re going to do great. Embrace the adventure.”

“I would like to embrace a cheeseburger and air conditioning. Are you aware of the toilet situation out here?”

Her delighted laugh holds zero sympathy. “It’s the wilderness, Lila.”

“I don’t even want to think about how comfortable you are with this.” Do they dig their own holes when she camps with Griffin? I guess that’s one way to bond with a guy.

“Then think about how you’re going to rock your presentation and get that promotion.” Her voice goes all rah-rah, cheering me on. “Tackle this trip as if it’s any other challenge like the boss babe you are.”

I stand a little straighter—which I can only do becausenearly all of the contents of my pack are back at camp. I am a kick-butt, thirty-year-old woman who will not be intimidated by the wilderness or any of the contents therein.

Mysterious mountain man included.

“Iama boss babe.”

“Yeah, you are.”

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