Page 69 of Magdalene Nox

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The vision, Sam, hungry, a little desperate, eyes full of unrestrained desire, tore at Magdalene, and when Sam’s lips closed around the now fully exposed nipple seconds later, Magdalene had to slap both of her hands over her mouth in order to muffle a scream that almost broke free. Undeterred, Sam sucked harder, and when Magdalene’s knees began to give out, she pulled her further into the room and toppled her onto the bed before following.

With Sam’s body holding her down, Magdalene felt like a bowstring, ready to snap at any moment, wavering at the very precipice. One sharper bite, one lingering caress, and she’d freefall into ecstasy.

Except Sam clearly had other plans, because her lips lifted off Magdalene’s breasts, and Magdalene was suddenly chilled in the cool air of the room, naked, exposed, and vulnerable in ways she had not experienced in years.

But before she could ask anything, before she could even process her own need to cover up, or else be disappointed, Sam’s nose nudged up her chin and their lips met, warm and giving and enticing, and the hands that were rough and gentle, combining the best of both worlds, pulled away the rest of her tattered clothing before fully pushing her onto the bed.

Magdalene acquiesced, but not until her hands found Sam’s face and they gazed at each other, amber and blue on gray, submission turning into the need to take. When Magdalene’s fingers dropped, Sam moved downward, kissing and nipping at the hip bones or the line between hip and pelvis while Magdalene held her breath. As Sam glanced up, their eyes met again, and their connection, like an electric current, like wildfire, ran between them, as dangerous and lethal as it was undeniable. When Magdalene closed her lids and let out a sigh of surrender, Sam’s mouth descended.

* * *

After,they lay in the dark for what seemed like hours, though judging by the deep blackness outside the haphazardly drawn curtains, it must not have been even close to morning yet.

She was relaxed, and she felt something that she hadn’t in years. Happiness. The pure, unadulterated kind of joy that only comes with freedom, with achieving the summit of one’s desires, of having faith and receiving it in return. Magdalene stretched like a cat and glanced at the shoulder blade she’d been propping her head on just seconds ago.

She ran her fingers over the smooth expanse of skin and, to her surprise, in the dim light of the room, a scattering of freckles greeted her on the sharp planes of muscle and bone.

Instantly enchanted, because Sam had none on her face, Magdalene pressed her lips to one, then to another, tenderness overwhelming her. How was it possible to feel this much for one person?

Sam sighed happily under her ministrations, and Magdalene lifted her face, suddenly and completely overcome by affection and not a little silliness.

“One… Two… Three…” Her fingers moved slowly over silky skin, cataloging her newfound treasure. Sam, sleepy and still dazed after her second orgasm, that Magdalene had made sure to draw out for as long as she could, squirmed a bit.


Magdalene continued counting, trying to focus despite all that softness and all that adorable sleepiness that begged her to burrow in and never let go. The thought of ‘never letting go’ that would have scared her breathless not long ago did not abrade her or make her as raw as she had expected it to.

Oh, you’re so in love, Magdalene…

“Shhh… You’re going to make me lose count. Seventeen, eighteen, wait, was it seventeen? Dammit, look what you’ve done, you made me lose track indeed.” Magdalene smiled then, showing a frowning Sam she really wasn’t really upset. With bewilderment written all over Sam’s face, Magdalene leaned in and kissed her on the nose before settling back on her side.

“I was counting your freckles.” She grinned and continued to trace her treasures, feeling light and young and free.

Sam gaped at her, and to say she—much to Magdalene's delight—looked even more stunned was an understatement. But there was something else shining through, so clearly, so bright it would surely blind Magdalene any moment now…

She recognized that expression, the emotion, the truth of it for what it was. And she was certain Sam knew it, too. Was cognizant that it was that very moment when she, herself, fell.

Magdalene reached out and wrapped Sam in her arms, feeling the ragged breath whoosh in and out, and then, degree by degree, as if slowly submitting to the newfound reality, Sam relaxed in her arms. Should she confess now? Should she say that Sam was very much loved in return? Or should she wait for Sam to come to her, to fully grasp the emotion and the implications before making her move?

It felt like the moment belonged to Sam, and Magdalene did not want to steal the limelight by overwhelming her lover. Her chance would come. After all, they had all the time in the world. For love and for confessions.

The silence stretched between them, but far from being uncomfortable, it was filled with the enormity of Sam’s realization and Magdalene’s continuous gentle caresses bringing contentment to their cocoon. After a while, Sam turned on her back and caught Magdalene’s wandering hand, kissing and nipping at each fingertip, making Magdalene throw her head back and release a peel of laughter.

The sense of peace and joy made her brave, and she knew while time for love may yet be stretched in front of them, the moment for at least one confession was right now.

Magdalene propped her face on her palm and looked down at Sam, who eyed her carefully. Of course, she’d be able to read her. Of course, she would know. Her vaunted poker face was entirely useless when it came to Sam. It rankled a little.

“Must you?” Sam interrupted the unhappy utterance that was about to be on its way.

“I must, Sam. I must.” But she stayed silent a bit longer and instead just cuddled closer, right into Sam’s ready embrace, putting her head on Sam’s shoulder and squeezing her tight. She felt silly. It wasn’t even that big a deal. Sure, it explained a lot about so many important and not at all important things in both her life and the life at Dragons and, by extension, Sam’s…

Well, maybe it was a big deal after all.

A deep breath, a kiss to Sam’s shoulder, and she laid the words on the wrinkled sheets between them.

“Whatever they may have put in my file as their reason for ending my probationary period as a student at Dragons was a lie, Sam. They threw me out for kissing a girl.”


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