Page 41 of The Headmistress

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“Well then, I guess this means you’ve taken my advice and thought things through?”

“I did. Now say yes.”

Magdalene gripped Sam’s hand tighter and pulled her towards the diner door.

“I just did.”

* * *

If asked later, Sam would be hard-pressed to say how they had made it to the bed-and-breakfast. She had no memory of the ten-minute walk down Chatham’s Main Street, barely any of quickly checking in on the girls who were all playing some board game in one of the rooms, and making their way down the long corridor to the far section of the old Victorian where Sam’s room was located.

What she remembered with certainty from those minutes was the hand steadily warming in hers. A hand that held on firmly after that initial tremble. A hand that tore at her scrunchy the second the door closed behind them, the elastic falling prey to a resolute Magdalene Nox. In fact, nothing really was a match for the Headmistress, not Sam’s jacket or her jeans, no matter how skinny they were and hence quite an undertaking to try and remove swiftly. But they also surrendered to Magdalene’s adroitness in seconds and then, sweet lord in heaven, she was kneeling in front of Sam looking up at her with heated eyes, hunger raw and evident in her gaze.

All Sam could do was hold on to the wall behind her, as Magdalene’s mouth descended with lethal precision. No teasing, no games. The deft, skilled tongue swiped once, twice at her clit before strong hands pushed her legs further apart and Madalene actually growled as Sam tried to hold back, to hold on, squirming under the attention she was unaccustomed to. But her lover was relentless and Sam grew wetter just from taking in the sight in front of her.

And then she lost the presence of mind to even look, all thought abandoned to the sheer sensation as fingers joined the tongue and she was taken apart and put back together in what felt like seconds.

Insistent sucking on her clit and hard, fast thrusts of two fingers that unerringly found her very center time and again, brought an orgasm that seemed to come in waves, scaring her with its intensity, causing her to scream Magdalene’s name over and over. And if it hadn’t been for her lover’s presence of mind and quick reflexes to get up swiftly and place her free hand over Sam’s mouth, she was sure she’d have made the entire bed-and-breakfast aware of how expertly she was being fucked.

As she shook in Magdalene’s arms, listening to quiet murmurs of nonsensical words of encouragement in her ear, Sam wasn’t sure she cared all that much if anyone heard her. This was glorious. This was heaven. One hand covered her mouth and the other still thrust into her gently, drawing out every single drop of pleasure from her, and Sam allowed herself to simply stop. Stop thinking, stop hoping, stop defending and fighting and arguing and hanging on to things that never quite turned out the way she wanted them to.

She was here now, in these arms that felt like home, with this woman who was perfection, and it was time to let go. She breathed in the scent that was becoming essential to her happiness, to her very wellbeing, and allowed herself to be taken entirely.

* * *

Some time later, she surfaced with Magdalene still holding her upright, caressing her face now, playing with the strands of her hair that probably looked like a bird’s nest with all the tugging and playing Magdalene always seemed to unleash on it when they were together like this. Sam grinned.

“What’s so funny?” Magdalene allowed herself to draw back just enough to glance at Sam’s face, which probably looked like a total fool’s.

“You have a thing for hair?” Sam finally straightened entirely and shucked the jeans still clinging to her ankles, impeded by her Chucks. God, they hadn’t even taken the time to get undressed properly. It made her giddy, it made her almost breathless with desire.

Magdalene smiled slyly and ran her hand through Sam’s blond tresses, further disheveling them.

“I never did, but I can’t help it with you.” She gave Sam a suddenly serious look, before tsking, “I can’t seem to help myself with a lot of things when it comes to you.”

Gently, as if to not interrupt the revelation, Sam began unbuttoning Magdalene’s blouse as she continued.

“I told myself that I was going to only have one drink at the bar, and then I couldn’t help but take you up on that whiskey and then be completely taken by you in your room. Later, I told myself that I could work side by side with you and not be swept up by your mind and your heart and those brilliant eyes and your goofy, endearing wit.” Sam’s protest was short-lived as Magdalene leaned in again and kissed her hard on the mouth, before continuing as if she hadn’t just completely taken Sam’s breath and the rest of her reason away with that lingering bite on her lower lip that should’ve been painful, but instead was simply annihilating.

“I told myself that you hate me and everything I stand for, and that you did not trust me. And then you go and defend me to Alden and to Orla and to pretty much anyone who dares to besmirch what is left of my professional virtue. And.. and… and… There is always an ‘and’ where you’re concerned, Sam. You are always going above and beyond… Sometimes underneath?” Magdalene actually giggled at her own pun and Sam felt tears sting the back of her eyes. The sound of the laughter was so beautiful, so sincere, so free.

Sam recovered enough from her kiss-induced and giggle-charmed stupor to continue to unfasten the many tiny buttons on Magdalene’s blouse, grumbling in exasperation, until Magdalene simply grasped the two parts of fabric and tugged, rending them.

“I can’t pretend I don’t want you, Sam. I keep telling myself all sorts of lies these days, but I can’t go on believing that one anymore.”

Sam ran her hands up and down the smooth, trembling skin of the pale abdomen, tracing muscle before lowering her head and kissing where her hands had been, slowly inching up to where a beautiful, delicate, lacy bra did nothing to obscure the breasts that featured heavily and recurrently in Sam’s dreams.

And suddenly Sam wanted to be bold and courageous and do and say all the things she had craved to do and say to this woman, who was so bold and so courageous herself. So she swallowed hard and tried to rise to the standard that her lover had set for them both. She exhaled a heated breath over the soft skin covered in lace and saw the nipple pebble without a single touch.

“You know how many times I touched myself imagining my mouth on these?” Magdalene’s breath caught, and it was her turn to throw her head back with a loud tortured moan.


Encouraged by the reaction, Sam went on, “Do you know that I couldn’t get enough of fantasizing about how responsive your breasts are? How I was absolutely sure that I could make you come just by licking and biting and sucking on them…” Magdalene’s entire body vibrated, and Sam hadn’t even touched the tightly furled nipples now straining towards her mouth, still encased in ivory.

“Please…” The word, murmured in that quiet, desperate intonation, with Magdalene’s voice falling to its lowest register, tore at Sam and she took the nipple closest to her in her mouth, sucking at it, teasing it against the now wet lace, the scrape of which only seemed to heighten Magdalene’s response.

Sam’s mind was thrown back to the fateful night when she’d held a live wire in her hand. Live wire indeed, Magdalene moved with desperation against her mouth, perfectly manicured nails raking Sam’s back, surely leaving marks that Sam knew she’d cherish for as long as they lasted. Switching breasts, she finally relented and tore at the bra, careless with the delicate lace that she’d admired just moments ago. Now it impeded her access to that hot, smooth skin, and Sam’s hunger could no longer be restrained.

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