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The woman quirked her chin to the left—toward him—and her facial features came into view. He was startled to see how perfectlyinterestingshe was: a perfect, straight nose, a generous mouth with ruby-red lips, and wispy bangs that drifted across startling cornflower blue eyes.

These new binoculars were terrific, with up-close and personal details.

Marcus sucked in a breath. She was absolutely beautiful. Not in a flashy “look, I’m a model” way, but with a natural, fresh beauty he normally didn’t see in Southern California, where women dressed to the nines and wore an inch of makeup, especially in Beverly Hills or downtown Santa Barbara.

Marcus let out a breath that turned into a low whistle. This woman had great legs and an hourglass figure. A tingling sensation ran down his neck, spreading throughout his limbs.

The young woman slowly turned in a circle to take in the estate, holding a hand over her eyes from the sun’s glare while she called out—twice.

She bit at those remarkable lips of hers and suddenly froze.

Marcus froze, too.

Without thinking, he’d stepped out from behind the tree where he’d been hiding. He was in full view of her now. He’d foolishly dropped his incognito self.

She gave a start, staggering backward while staring daggers at him.

He stared back, his limbs melting.

Hopefully, she couldn’t determine what he was doing in the woods.

From the expression on her face, he’d freaked her out. Hurriedly, she climbed into her vehicle and drove to the back of the house.

He’d not just startled her, he’dfrightened her. He was a stranger, after all. Lurking in the woods while the entire Hearst family was in the village running errands.

Unfortunately, he’d updated the cameras on the estate too late. Logan had asked him a week ago since he wanted no trouble during the week of his wedding, and Marcus had only just now completed the task.

There had been prowlers on the video feed the previous month. The images appeared to be kids. He had yet to figure out how they got over a 12-foot wall or the gate. That was his next step. Find any breaches in the wall perimeter or any loose boards in the rear fence line behind the garages.

In the videos, the boys darted behind trees and climbed some of the older ones with low-hanging limbs. Perhaps they were playing hide-and-seek.

The Hearst Woodswerethe perfect spot. He and Logan had spent a lot of time enjoying adventures in their childhood days and even into their teens.

The rear grounds of the estate were just as good. The perfect place to get lost—mentallyandhide out from the parents—until dinner time when their stomachs were growling so loud, they were convinced they would starve to death.

Logan would hold his stomach and moan, “I’mstarving.”

“No, I’mstarving!” Marcus would challenge. “What’s for dinner? Is Gus cooking tonight?”

“The grownups are having quiche Lorraine, red wine, and a healthy salad. That’s an exact quote from Gus to my mother.”

“Yuck, do we have to eat the salad, too?” Marcus groaned.

“We’rehaving hamburgers. Chips and sodas. At least, that was the order I put in for us. We’ll see if Mum gives in.” Then a sly grin would cross Logan’s face “She usually does when you’re visiting. Mum likes you.”

“She has to like me. I’m like her adopted son.”

Of course, that wasn’t true. Even though there was no relation, it often felt like they were brothers, and Marcus was at home here, as if he belonged.

Being careful not to be seen again, Marcus skirted the circular drive and moved carefully down the perimeter wall.

He’d been having an internal debate about whether he should approach the beautiful woman and talk to her, but finally decided to stay put so he didn’t blow his cover of being security as well as a guest.

Oops. There she was again. Out of the car, trying the back doorbell, but Marcus knew nobody was home at the moment. Even if Gus was on site, he never answered the door while prepping dinner.

WherewasLogan and his fiancée, Jenna? They had been gone a long time. Obviously, they were expecting this new woman today. Her Nissan was practically leaking wedding stuff.

Now she was on her phone, talking to someone. Most likely Jenna, he deduced.

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