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“Thank you for that, Caitey,” her cousin said with a wan smile. “I’m so glad you’re here. Without you, I’d be a bigger basket case than I already am.”

“You know what? I think you should go lie down for the next several hours. Let ME take care of everything down here. I want to create a magical fairyland while you catch up on your sleep so you will look beautiful and radiant to walk down the aisle.”

“Really? And leave you with all the work?”

“Don’t you worry, I havelotsof helpers I can recruit.”

“Like me,” said Mrs. Hearst from the dining room doorway. She strode in with Jenna’s mother right behind her.

“I’m not the bride’s mother for nothing!” she teased her daughter. “Give me a list, and we’ll get it done.” She put an arm around Jenna’s shoulders. “I’m ordering you back to your room. Sleep, shower, and then I’ll be up after lunch to help you dress and do your hair.”

Mrs. Hearst leaned in close as if telling a secret. “Did you know that when I was eighteen, I went to beauty school? Although . . . I only did hair and nails for a couple of years before meeting the love of my life. Ever since, Logan’s father has been traveling for work andmoving around the globe while I trotted after him, having the time of my life going to all the places I’d always dreamed of and jumping into charity work. But . . . I haven’t lost my touch!”

Jenna’s eyes widened in surprise. “That means—you—”

“Exactly,” Mrs. Hearst said with a big smile lighting up her face. “I will do your makeup, hair, and nails today since we can’t get down the mountain to the salon. The roads might not be open until tomorrow, if then.”

Jenna’s jaw dropped, and she let out a small cry. “That means . . . I must cancel our honeymoon suite at the Bed & Breakfast Inn for tonight.”

“Nope,” Caitey told her. “You aren’t doing anything but being the bride today! Logan will cancel it and rebook after the roads are plowed.”

“But—but what about tonight?? It’s our wedding night! We—we can’t stayhere at the house with everyone else . ..” Jenna’s voice trailed off.

Aunt Vicki dropped a kiss on top of her daughter’s hair. “Your new mother-in-law and I have already thought about that, and we have a plan!”

Mr. Hearst strolled into the dining room, looking for lunch. He scanned the women’s faces when they all turned to look at him with frowns. “Am I in the doghouse? You all look flustered, or angry, or—”

His wife slipped an arm through his. “You do know that the roads are blocked, don’t you, dear? This means no wedding guests, flowers, cake, or honeymoon suite.”

Her husband’s eyes widened. “True, true. It’s quitedisappointing after all the hard work. I’m so sorry, Jenna. Do you want to reschedule the wedding?”

Jenna shook her head. “All of my vendorsandthe musicians have already canceled the orders. At least, they can’t deliver until the roads are cleared—which could take days. We have no idea when we can get off the mountain. But I guess when the cake is delivered you all will be feasting on sugar for a week afterwards while Logan and I are on our honeymoon. And the flowers will scent the house for days—or wilt and fall apart, just like my wedding is . . .”

“Oh, Jenna!” Caitey said, fighting back her own tears at the desperation in Jenna’s voice. “This blizzard has socked the mountain like never before. Once in a century freak storm! Time for Plan Two—which we are creating this very moment.”

Mrs. Hearst widened her eyes. “It’s terrible, but it’s our son’s wedding day, darling,” she told her husband. “We’re rallying everyone to pull this off for Logan and Jenna.”

“Of course, Isabella—right! Just let me know where I can pitch in,” Mr. Hearst said.

“I had an idea,” his wife said. “As an attorney and previously on the county board, do you have the legal authority to perform the wedding? The minister is stuck too.”

“Good thinking. I’m not sure but let me find out for certain. Oh, what about Caitey’s father? I understand he’s a United States ambassador. There’s a better chance of him being able to perform a wedding ceremony than I am.”

Caitey spoke up. “My parents flewin yesterday, but it was extremely late. They attempted to drive up here this morning but were stopped due to the accidents and the road being closed. We won’t see them until the roads are cleared, in a few days.”

“That’s not good news,” Mr. Hearst said.

“I’m sorry my sister and her husband won’t be able to make it,” Aunt Vicki said. “I spoke with them an hour ago, and they’re so disappointed to miss your wedding, Jenna.”

“I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that this entire day is completely upended and it’s already going on noon.” Jenna’s face turned red while she tried to remain composed in front of everyone.

Caitey piped up. “Jenna, it’s time for you to head up to your room and relax while we finish preparing. This wedding will move forward,” she added firmly.

“There’s the spirit,” Mr. Hearst said. “Now I will go into my office and call about marrying you and Logan. Where did he and Marcus go? Haven’t seen them in the last few hours since I spied them outside clearing the snow.”

Everyone in the dining room glanced at each other as Gus pushed through the swinging doors with a giant tray of sandwiches, chips, dip, and cookies for lunch.

“Time to eat and get that energy back? And pardon me for eavesdropping, Mrs. Hearst, as I was maneuvering this tray of food. Logan and Marcus just finished bringing in the wet chairs from outside after scraping all the walkways.”

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