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“Are you really related to the Hearst family? As in, the William Randolph Hearst newspaper tycoon?”

“Not me. Logan, my best friend since we were kids is the ‘heir.’ He’s fourth or fifth generation, of course. It’s a British name.”

Caitey gave a tiny smile. “I gathered that.”

“I noticed your vehicle was quite packed. Do you have something to do with the wedding?”

“Oh, yes,” Caitey said with a laugh. “I’m Caitey Belgrave, Jenna’s cousin. Our mothers are sisters, so our last names are different, but I’m the wedding planner. That’s my, um, occupation.”

He smiled again, and Caitey found herself gazing in awe at his teeth, which were absolute perfection.

“I’ve heard of wedding planners. It’s a good idea since Jenna lives in New Orleans, but she and Logan decided to have the wedding out here. Itisa lovely spot and more intimate and personal when it’s a family home.”

“I’m eager to see the house. Ilive in San Diego, so I’m in the same state. Just had to fight the afternoon traffic, which is a bear.”

“Ah, it all makes sense then.” He sipped his drink, blowing across the top to cool it. It appeared to be hot cocoa with whipped cream.

Caitey wasn’t listening very closely. She couldn’t help staring at his beautiful mouth again. Not overly full or wide, but perfectly suited for his face. Perfect for kissing.

Good grief, where did that idea come from?She didn’t usually fantasize about strangers. Not even movie stars, for that matter. It had been a long time since she’d fantasized about anyone.



When Caitey lifted her eyes to his again, she gave a start. Marcus took the opportunity to gaze at her. He watched while her eyes floated across his lips and then rose to his eyes.

She blushed and picked at her bagel. She was taking tiny, careful bites and glancing about the room.

“Jenna hired you for her wedding, then,” he said, pulling her nervous attention back to him. “Are you close cousins?”

“Oh, yes. Jenna hasn’t always lived in New Orleans. We both grew up in San Diego. She moved there several years ago, and loves the history, architecture, and the casual lifestyle. She went to business school, then opened her own Coffee Loft franchise.”

Marcus nodded. “That’s what Logan told me when they were dating. Now, I’m curious why you suddenly ran off.”

“You mean back at the house?” Caitey blushed. “Because you werewatching me. Very strangely, I might add.”

“Well, that’s my job,” he said with an amused grin.

“I was surprised neither Jenna nor the family was there. The place was deserted—except for the surveillance guy,” she quipped, giving him a stern look from under her lashes. “You should have said something, you know!”

“I was going to,” he protested, opening his hands in a show of innocence. “But you went around the back of the house and then zoomed off in such a hurry, I figured I had frightened you somehow. I decided not to approach you. Not when everyone was gone.”

“Jenna texted me that they had car trouble and were at the mechanics. She suggested I come into town and get a drink. So, thanks for the consideration.” She added, “Youdorealize that maintenance people don’t usually wear suits.”

Marcus let out a chuckle. “Touché! I hadn’t thought about that. When I’m in work mode I always wear a suit.”

She blinked at him. “Seriously? Why?”

“It’s what I’m used to. I wore a uniform for too many years. And now I wear suits.”

Caitey cocked her head at him. “May I ask what sort of uniform? UPS delivery guy? Electrician? TV repair guy?”

Marcus found himself leaning in closer, his hands cupped around his mug. She was teasing him, and he discovered that he was grinning. In addition to her professional dress and high heels, she was funny and adorable, too.

“None of the above, I’m afraid. I hope I don’t disappointyou when I admit I’m a retired Navy grunt. Special forces for part of it. . .” his voice trailed off for a moment.

“When you say, special forces in the Navy, what are you referring to?”

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