Page 95 of Golden Burn

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Dom isn’t convinced. “He will find you.”

“He can’t come for me. Not yet. The wedding contract sealed us together. He needs to gain something first before he strikes at me. We’ll be gone for a week. If you want to come, there’s a spare bedroom.”

Ford frowns. “I’d rather not listen to you two consummate.”

“I’ll book us somewhere in Mykonos. It’s close enough that we can get to you,” Dom says.

“Fine.” Odin holds out his hand for Dom to hand over our passports. He reluctantly passes them, then Odin winds the window up and we drive back out into the traffic.

“What about Juniper and Romeo?” I ask him.

“Martise offered to look after them until we get back.”

“She’s the best.” I kick my legs up so they’re lying across his lap. He holds them in place, his thumb running across the satin material.

“Did you want to get changed?”

“No. I want to wear it until you carry me over the threshold.” Odin chuckles, and it makes my chest sparkle. “My mom said she slept in her dress the night of her wedding because she loved it so much. I kind of want to do the same thing.”

“Sounds perfect,” he says. And it does, it really does.

We make it to the airport eventually, our lips numb from kissing. It’s so odd to walk in through the main doors, onto the floor packed with people. Odder still to have everyone staring at us in our wedding attire. Odin takes it all in his stride. I’m sure he’s used to people looking at him because of his eyepatch. I want to growl at those who stare too long, but he keeps tugging me along, our joined hands unbreakable.

We check in and go through customs. All the airport employees give me a funny look and ask something in Italian. Odin makes the same remark every time.“È una bellissima sposa. Sono un uomo fortunato.”

And all I can think about is how much more there is to learn about him.

We find the gate and take a seat in the corner. The only thing in my possession is my passport and ticket, and Odin’s free hand. And right now, it’s the only thing I need.

On the plane, the stares continue. But we aren’t aware, not when we take our seats and watch the world become small as the plane takes off. The hostesses give us free champagne to celebrate our nuptials. We take a sip from each other’s glasses as the clouds glow pink in the distance.

“I never thought I’d like traveling so much,” I say when the cabin is quiet. Other travelers watch movies, listen to music or read books. My new husband and I can’t stop talking.

“You never had the chance.”

“No, not everyone is rich.” I give him a playful shove and he chuckles, grabbing my lips in a quick kiss.

“My father might have been an asshole, but his money was good.”

“Is he still around?”

“He passed away five years ago. We didn’t talk after Gen was killed. I forgot he even existed. When he died, a doctor called me and told me, and I just said thanks, and hung up.”

I slip my arm under his, leaning my head onto his shoulder. “And your mom?”

“Cancer. She died when I was five. I don’t remember much of her, unfortunately.”

“I’m sorry. That’s awful.”

Odin kisses my head. “Yeah, but I found my family. Dom and Ford kept me alive when my father wished I’d died, too. Blood isn’t as important as everyone makes it out to be.” I hum in reply, remembering having the very same thoughts in reference to my own father.

“If you had to sell all your properties and keep only one, which would it be?” I ask.

He doesn’t even hesitate. “I have a farm in Montana.”

“Did you just read my mind?” I ask. Odin smirks. “I was thinking that I would love to own a farm.”

“It was built in the early 1900s, has a single stable for some animals, a small creek out the back, and good soil. I bought it when I found out Gen was pregnant. I thought it would be our family home.” His voice is somber, but not pained. It’s nice knowing he feels comfortable to talk about her. I don’t want him to ever think he can’t. Speaking about our loved ones is cathartic. “I just… I couldn’t get rid of it,” he says.

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