Page 9 of Golden Burn

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I’m not one hundred percent certain my conclusions are accurate. I’m beyond exhausted and so deeply terrified that I think I might be losing my mind.

But I know one thing for sure. I need to get the fuck away from Odin Bolt as fast as I can.

“What did you do with Juniper?” I whisper across to laptop guy once I’m settled back into my seat. I can barely open my eyes, they’re so puffy and raw.

He finds my attention immediately. I’m glad he didn’t decide to ignore me. I’m too fragile right now and hungry for answers.

“She’s safe.” It’s not enough, but it will have to do. “Put your seatbelt on. We’re descending.”

“Where are we landing?”

“Will you promise not to scream when we exit the plane?”



He smirks, as if he read my mind. “London. We are landing in London.”



‘All Time Low’ - Jon Bellion

I’ve never been to London. Never been anywhere, really.

My mom and my stepfather, Shaggy—real name, Troy—took me to SeaWorld in San Diego one time for my twelfth birthday.

We went down for a long weekend and were only meant to spend a single day at the park. But I loved it so much, I begged to go back the next day, and the day after that. I loved watching the orcas. I now understand the darker reality of their lives as an adult, but as a child, it was awe-inspiring to see such giant, graceful animals swimming alongside tiny humans who had crafted meaningful relationships with beings that couldn’t talk.

I’m sure Shaggy wasn’t a fan of being bossed around by a pre-teen, but Mom was happy to see that my interest in saving every stray animalwas something I loved as equally as her. It was the first indication of what would make my soul sing, of what would give me purpose.

I loved that holiday.

I hate this one.

Laptop guy, who eventually introduces himself as Dominic, wraps a blindfold around my eyes before we exit the plane. I reject it instantly. Going so far as to kick my legs out as he approaches.

But tattoo guy (AKA Ford) takes a hold of my ankles and squeezes hard enough for me to get the picture. He raises his heavy brows in warning, his square set jaw and crooked nose saying enough about whether I would survive an altercation. It’s either play along or suffer the consequences.

Sensing my fatigue and growing impatience, the two men handle me carefully as they guide my blindfolded ass out of the plane and onto the tarmac. We walk for about a minute before I hear a car door opening and am instructed to take a seat.

Inside the vehicle, the chilled leather hugs my back, making me shiver. I’m still wearing my scrubs, still coated in sweat and dog fur, still wishing this was a dream.

No sooner have all the doors shut does the engine purr to life that I start to hyperventilate.


This is not good.

“Shit.” The blackness of my vision is throwing me out of whack, causing my senses to go haywire.

“What’s wrong?” Ford asks me. He must be sitting beside me. Which means Odin and Dominic are in the front. That’s good, I guess.

“I’m gonna pass out…” My voice wavers. My heart feels like it might pop if it beats any faster.

I’m dizzy, malnourished, and dehydrated. Bright dots of color are forming and dancing behind my eyes, and I can’t tell my left from my right.

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