Page 6 of Crave

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I’m a missile, streaking through the dusk.

Does she know I can almost see her? That the roof of the cabin she’s in peeks through the dense trees like it’s waving at me?

The cameras never show enough.

Mikhail always thinks I like to jump here because of the craggy waterfall that works its way through the desert.

I tell him it’s my quiet place.

Really, it’s watching Lara to make sure she’s okay.

I’m supposed to. It isn’t only my job, it’s my purpose.

My entire being revolves around her.

Her spirals always make her want to disappear. So I gave her somewhere she can run to, where she is safe. I know she’s there trying to reset, to clear her mind, to get a fresh outlook.

Sometimes, they’re longer than others.

But knowing that Nikolai and I will be leaving for Russia soon, I just need to check on her.

She’ll come around.

Like always.



Just because Idragged myself from the woods, didn’t mean I wanted to come back and get thrown into taking care of Elena.

Nikolai and Alexei leaving to track down Mila? Melissa? Whatever her name is, it’s important I return to take care of my niece.

I had a bad feeling about that woman. I knew she was hiding something.

“When is Daddy coming home?” Elena looks up at me with her big brown eyes. She favors her mom more than my brother.

Things have been so much different since the night my father killed Katerina.

“I don’t know, sweetie. Did you want to watch a cartoon while I call Uncle Mikhail and see if he’s heard anything?” Guilt shudders through me.

Nikolai could be dead for all I know. I haven’t heard from him in days.

Even Alexei isn’t keeping me up to date. He usually overshares.

But I can’t tell her I’m worried.

Her little pink lip sticks out in a pout. “Okay. Do you have any cereal? I don’t like those rice cakes.” She crosses her arms on the counter and raises her eyebrows.

“I’m afraid I’m out.” I don’t ever want that in my house.

I might eat it.

“But I do have some strawberries. How does that sound?” I don’t wait, grabbing them out of the fridge.

If I give her a chance to argue, she will.

“Fine. Thank you.” She doesn’t sound enthused.

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