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I swear I’m not wet for him. It’s sweat. That’s all there is.

His fingers trace slow, deliberate circles on my skin, sending more waves of heat through me.

“Viktor,” I whisper, trying to keep my voice steady. “What are you doing?”

He turns to me, his eyes dark and smoldering. “Just reminding you who you belong to.”

His words send a thrill of both fear and excitement through me. I know I should pull away, should assert my independence, but the truth is, I’m drawn to him. There’s a dangerous allure to Viktor, a magnetism that I can’t resist.

“How about we make a bet?” he suggests, finally pulling his hand away.

I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. “A bet? What kind of bet?”

I reach for the pile of chips, but he stops me. “Not that kind of bet,” he says. “Let’s do this… You are going to get a chance to free yourself from this mess, to restore everything back to normal. I will give your father his business and his house back. Everything he has lost will be returned to him, and that includes his daughter.”

“My freedom,” I say, knowing it’s too good to be true. “What are the other terms? What’s on the other side of your coin?”

The devil dances in his eyes as he leans forward, champagne tainting his breath. “The other side of the coin is you, darling. Your body, your soul, for eternity. I want you to have my babies, as many as I please. Are you up for the gamble?”

Gambling is what ruined my life in the first place, but I feel like the cards are stacked against me anyway. If I don’t gamble, then I still lose. I have to marry this monster, and eventually, he will claim me. I won’t be able to resist him forever.

On the other hand, my freedom is just a single bet away. Everything could go back to normal. Everything could be good again, and I can forget that Viktor ever even existed.

I take a deep breath, looking into Viktor’s icy eyes and nodding. “I’ll do it. If you want me, you’re going to have to win me.”

“That’s my girl,” he says, and something inside me dies. That little bit of reluctance I had left, that little wall that I had put up when I first met him. It’s coming down, and I already know that he’s won.

It doesn’t matter what the result of the bet is. It doesn’t matter if he loses. My body is already surrendering to him, my legs spreading as he touches me again under the table, this time, with his fingers stuffed into my panties.



If I play my cards right, Sage will be carrying my baby before she even has time to say her vows. The wetness between her silky legs is my permission to push things further. A rigged bet, just like the one that ruined her father’s life.

But I suspect she won’t take it quite as poorly as he did. In fact, I believe it’s what her little heart desires. Secretly, deep down inside, she wants to be owned by me. I can see it in the way her eyes sparkles as she looks up at me.

“If it lands on red, you’re mine completely. Black, and you’re free,” I whisper into Sage’s ear. I see the goosebumps on her arm, and I know she’s on the edge. She can’t resist the temptation I’ve put in front of her.

“Switch the colors, and I’m in,” she says after a brief moment of thought.

“Sure,” I say, raising my voice so that the croupier can hear me. “I’m sure it will land on black. It’s what both of us want.”

She laughs through her nose, pulling her head back but keeping her legs open for me. “Let’s do this.”

I nod to the croupier, who immediately lets the ball loose. It feels like it’s rolling for ages, skipping over numbers and hopping across the metal grooves. I watch intently, knowing that even if I lose by some freak accident, I won’t give up Sage. She’s mine no matter what.

But when the ball clinks into place, I move my hand up Sage’s dress and press my fingers into her pussy, entering her. She gasps, and I grin.

Black, just like my heart. Sage belongs to me.

I pull my hand out from under the table, grabbing her waist and pulling her away with me. She’s too stunned to say anything, just like she was initially when she was traded to me.

I walk with her quickly, moving her away from the heated crowd to a cooler corner of the casino. There’s a door there that’s only accessible to people with a code, and I’m one of the few people with that code. It’s mainly storage, nothing exciting, but I’m not going to wait to claim my prize. I don’t need a bed for what I’m going to do to sweet little Sage.

“Get in,” I grumble, punching in the code and opening the door. It’s pitch black inside, but we can figure that out later. I push Sage inside, looking over my shoulder to check the crowd before joining her in the darkness.

“Is there a light in here?” she asks just before the door closes.

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