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Good girl. You wouldn’t want me to have to hunt you down.

Giddiness rushed, bounding through my system, and there wasnothing I could do to curb the affected smile that tugged at the edge of my mouth.


Stalker, much?


You have no idea.

My stomach twisted in a bout of greed and a fluttering of anticipation.

I could still feel him against my lips. Could feel the tingles that remained even though it’d been close to two weeks since he’d kissed me the second time inside my apartment.

My stomach fisted in that throbby, achy sensation that felt oh so sweet but wasn’t even in the range of being enough. This want that burned.

But it was my heart that squeezed in fierce affection that warned that I was veering into the treacherous.

I knew I was only setting myself up to get destroyed again. Getting attached to a man who’d made it clear that this was only temporary. But there was no stopping the way I felt pulled in his direction.

The man a magnet.


I was still staring at my phone when I hit the sidewalk that ran along 9thStreet. My attention was tipped down at my phone, though I made sure to watch where I was going in my periphery, my fingers loose as I played along.


Oh, but I have plenty of ideas.


That so?

I could almost see the arch of his menacing brow, the way the stars tattooed on his hairline would dance as he did, everything about him so cruelly beautiful, though those stormy eyes would be softened with the tease.


Yep. This imagination is wild. I should be an author.


You know what they say, truth is stranger than fiction.

Another warning. The man was forever pushing me away all while drawing me in. He might as well have had a leash around my neck.

I had my fingers poised on the screen when something tripped me up.

A creeping awareness that rustled through on the breeze. The breeze that suddenly felt hot and sticky.

I glanced around, trying to pinpoint what it might be that had made me uneasy. Uneasy enough that I couldn’t do anything but slow to a complete stop in the middle of the sidewalk.

A few people moved around me, casting me curious glances, while I tried to steady myself.

Apprehension gusted, coming at me in waves, and the fine hairs lifted on the back of my neck.

Spiky pinpricks that raised like defensive quills. Licking out for whatever had caused the shift in the air.

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