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She rolled her pretty eyes, her lashes thick and dark, though her face was full of affection. “I mean, I really hope he wasn’t rude to you yesterday at the doctor’s office when he took Nolan in. The guy gets so spun up when he’s worried.”

I bit down on my bottom lip, wondering if I should confess that it wasn’t the first time we’d met. It shouldn’t be a big deal, but I’d already made it weird that I hadn’t said anything.

“He was fine.”

Okay,finewasn’t anything close to what River Tayte was. He was a shock of chaos to my sanity.

A compulsion.

Raven chuckled with a lift of her brow, clearly agreeing with my internal thoughts. “Fine? I don’t think that’s a description I’ve ever heard given to him, unless you’re talking about howhothe is? Because he might be my brother, but it’s not like I could miss the way women stumble all over themselves the second he comes into a room. Tell me he’s not the type that gets your cute butt all hot and bothered.”

She knocked her shoulder into mine, slanting me a big grin, prodding me for details.

“No,” I murmured what I hoped she didn’t know was a blatant lie. “Of course not.”

She tightened her hold on my elbow as she giggled. “Good call, bestie. He’s not exactly the type to stick around for morning cuddles, if you know what I mean. And I wouldn’t want to have to kick his ass for breaking your heart.”

It was all a ramble and a tease while my chest suddenly felt heavy.

I wanted to ask her so many things. Where Nolan’s mother was. If he saw her. If they’d been together or had even been married.

No doubt, it was a bad sign that jealousy clutched my spirit at just the thought of it, and I knew I should try to put some distance between these two guys who’d taken possession of nearly every thought.

Still, I picked up the stuffed puppy and paid the vendor.

Raven’s voice was gentle as we walked away from the booth, though her tone had gone almost questioning. “That is really nice of you.”

“Maybe this will remind him he doesn’t need to be scared of going to the doctor in the future.” I shrugged like it didn’t matter. Like that had even been close to what I’d been thinking when I’d seen it.

“Except now he’s going to think he needs a gift every time he falls and scrapes his knee, but I pretty much do, too, so he can’t be blamed. He is basically his auntie.”

She was all soft teases before she tugged my arm. “Come on, let’s get back. I’m starving.”

She drew it out, groaning toward the twilit sky.

I sent her a look. I wasn’t sure how that was possible since she’d sampled about every treat we’d walked by.

She laughed. “What? This girl likes her food.”

By the time we made it back to the big tent where we’d left her family, they were standing, and Nolan came bounding our way. “It’s time for dinner, Auntie and Miss Charleigh! I just got to go on the jumping castle and now my belly is all the way empty, and my dad said I can get a special treat if I eat all my food. Hey, what’s that you got?”

He hadn’t paused for a breath before his big blue eyes went wide when he saw the stuffed animal.

Kneeling in front of him, I held it out between us. “I thought you might like it.”

“Is it for me?” he squealed, his little shoulders popping up to his ears as he threaded his tiny fingers together and brought them to his chin.

“It is.”

“Really? Thank you, Miss Charleigh!”

He didn’t take the puppy. Instead, he threw his little arms around my neck.

A surprised gasp rushed out of my lungs. Grief clutched then unfurled inside me, though it whispered differently as I curled my arms around him. His warmth was a balm that spread through my being.

Hugging him tight, I inhaled the sweet bubblegum scent of his hair.

“You are really the nicest because I really wanted a puppy, but my dad said I gotta wait for a real one, so it’s really good I got this one,” he gushed.

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