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I'm sure that's a painful experience for him, but my sympathy only goes so far.

Cassie's safety comes first. And, sure, she looks fine, but I made Dad a promise.

So, I greet her, hello, and I pull her aside. I find a quiet enough spot in the lobby, a few feet away from the bar.

I ask, "Is everything good?"

My sister's green eyes bore into mine. "Jackson."

"It's an honest question," I say.

"No. It's not." She skips the pleasantries. Straight to the point. "I know Dad asked you to keep an eye on me. I know Dad doesn't trust Damon. I know you don't trust Damon, even though you're friends now."

"I don't trust him with you," I say.

"That's okay." She presses her hands together and recites the words as if she's practiced this speech. "I understand why you don't. It took me a long time to trust him too. But here's the thing, Jackson, and I say this with all the love I have for you, because I love you so much, and I so appreciate that you look out for me. I really do."

"You're my baby sister," I say.

She doesn't melt at the reminder. She holds strong. "I'm your sister, yes, but I'm a fully grown adult. I'm capable of making my own decisions. And I promise I'll call you if I need you."

"Will you though?" I ask.

She bites her lip. "That's fair. I don't usually." Cassie, like me, tries to take care of herself. "But for this trip, I promise I will."

"Even for something small?" I ask.

"What small thing would I need?" she asks.

"A condom," I offer.

She laughs. "How about a ride? Or just someone to talk to. Whatever it is, if I am hurt in any way, I promise I'll call you. If Damon steps out of line in any way, I promise you can step in, and kick his ass."

"I could kick his ass," I say.

She nodsI know. "You can watch him from afar, if you want. You can check on me at the party. But only in the normal, I want you to have fun way. Damon's sobriety is his business. Not mine. Not yours. So, kindly, with all my love, you need to fuck off."

I swallow hard. "I know."

"You and Daphne are having fun," she says. "Why don't you stick with her. She likes you, you know?"

"She likes me?"

Cassie's cheeks flush. "I didn't mean it that way."

But it's there in her eyes.

During some girl talk session, when Cassie and Daphne finally tired of discussingThe Matrixtrilogy for the eight millionth time, Daphne confessed an interest in me.

An interest Cassie encouraged.

Or at least an interest Cassie didn't discourage.

What the fuck?

"What did she say?" I ask.

"Nothing," she says. "And I said nothing. Stop being so observant."

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