Page 118 of A Match Made in Vegas

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The bed is a little low, but I make it work. I hold her hips with both hands. I pull them to mine.

In one swift, smooth motion, I pull her body over mine.

She groans as I slide inside her.

She feels good. Soft and wet and mine. The thought echoes through my head in a way it never has before. I want to claim plenty of women in the moment, as part of the scene, but never in some deeper way—

Some way, I offer the same part of myself.

I close my eyes and soak in the sensations of her soft body against mine. She feels so good, so right, so mine.

But that's only here.

Only now.

I need to savor that part.

I pull back and drive into her again and again.

Until I'm almost where I need to be.

The pleasure builds in me quickly. A fullness. A need for release.

Then she rolls her hips, and I'm there. I work through my orgasm, spilling every drop, pulsing inside her.

When I'm finished, I take care of the condom, I right my slacks, I leave her there on the bed, bound, waiting.

Then I undo her tie, I roll her over, I pull her onto my lap. "Do you want to go for one more?"

She nods.

"Show me this time." I keep my eyes on her. "Show me how you fuck yourself."

She doesn't wait for further instructions. She closes her eyes, slips her hand between her legs, strokes herself to orgasm.

She's already close. She comes fast.

And this time, when she releases, she releases fully, as if some other part of her is dissolving into some other part of me.

As if she's dissolving between my arms.

As if she really wants to be mine.

Chapter Twenty-Five


I'm not one of those guys who doesn't want to cuddle. After-care is important, even when I'm not tying someone up. But I never thought I needed the closeness either.

Not until Daphne slips out of my arms. I'm not sure if it's been five minutes or five hours. Only that I want to continue to hold her close.

Then she announces we simply have to get lunch now, and I want to tend to that. It's primal. A need to make sure my family is fed, housed, safe.

No matter how many times I tell myselfshe's not my family, this is temporary,my body refuses to accept the news. My veins buzz with energy. This drive to tend to my wife's physical needs.

It's ridiculous. Daphne is an adult. She knows how to take care of herself. She's perfectly capable of ordering room service, walking to a non-buffet restaurant, or calling a car.

In fact, she's already ahead of me.

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