Page 91 of Mr. Heartbreaker

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He walks in. “I’m sorry. I’m an asshole.”

I shut the door behind him, taking in his face in horror. “What happened?”

“I should’ve come sooner.” His eyes are imploring.

“Your eye.” I go to the freezer, grab a cool pack, and wrap a dish towel around it. “Did something happen at practice? You take an elbow?”

I place it on his face, and he winces, covering my hand with his, and I quiet the flutters in my stomach.Don’t get excited, we don’t know why he’s here.Just because he walked in with an apology doesn’t mean he wants to be with me.

“Your brother happened.”

“Seriously?” My mouth drops open.

He shakes his head. “Let’s save it for later. Can we talk?” He grabs my hand and leads me over the couch. His gaze falls to the sketchpad as he moves the pad and pillow out of the way. “What’s this?”

I shake my head.

“Yeah, later,” he says and waits for me to sit before he sits next to me. “I’m?—”

“No. Let me explain.” I blow out a breath. “Keep the ice pack on, okay?”

He lowers it to his lap. “I’m fine.”

“Just.” I pick it up and put it back on his face. “For a little bit.” He smiles at me, and goose bumps cascade over my skin. “What?”

“You care about me still. I haven’t completely blown this, have I? On the way over, I thought maybe I’d lost you.”

“Oh jeez,” I say, surprised. “I owe you an explanation.”

He doesn’t say anything, and I gather the courage to tell him what happened the day we met.

“The night I met you at the wedding is the same night I walked in on my mom with another man. I was in a bad headspace and thought a night with you would distract me from my troubles. My mom is a popular wedding dress designer and my mentor. I worked for her. Life as I knew it shattered like glass at my feet that day. Everything I believed, everything I grew up to depend on was gone. My parents were always the ideal couple to me. Something I aspired to be a part of. My mom even used our family as part of her branding for the business—one big happy family.”

He slides closer, his hands covering mine to stop them from shaking. I grip his calloused hands, and my body calms as it always does when we touch.

“But you were nothing like I thought. I figured you’d be the usual cocky, arrogant hockey player. I mean you’re so good and so well-known, I assumed you’d only want to spend one night with me, so what was the harm? Conor was playing in Florida. But I wasn’t sure if you’d remember me or if Conor would have ever referenced me in college, so I lied about my name, and I’m sorry. I just wanted that one thing for myself that night, even if it was selfish.”

He nods, and his thumbs run over my fingers.

“Then when you saw me at breakfast and asked me to continue the arrangement, I wanted to because when I was with you, all that crap in my life didn’t exist. It all disappeared, and I liked not having to feel all that pain. But I also liked you. As time went on, I didn’t want us to end. By the time Conor was traded, I was invested. I’d already fallen for you, and every time I saw you, I told myself to tell you, to come clean, but I didn’t want it to end. I’m sorry. I know I lost your trust.”

He studies me for a moment before he speaks. “Can I ask you a question?”

I steel myself. “Anything.”

“Was it just the sex? The sex that let you forget?”

I sigh and give him a sad smile. “I wish. These past six days, I so wished that was the case because if it was, you’d be replaceable.”

“Well, I don’t know about that.” He smirks, and something unknots in my chest.

“It’s you, Rowan. Your humor, your kindness, your supportive nature, it’s all of you. The entire Rowan Landry package.” He opens his mouth, but I put up my hand. “No, I purposely used your full name because being a hockey player is a part of you, and I lo…like him too.”

He places the cold pack on the table. “I should’ve let you explain that night. I automatically put up my defenses and shoved you aside. That was so wrong, and I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Le…Kyleigh.”

I smile. “I’m the one who lied. Had I told you the truth earlier, we could’ve dealt with it together. I’m sure the shock?—”

“Stop making excuses for me. I know what I was feeling for you. I just disregarded it, and that wasn’t fair to you. I’ll never do it again. I promise.” He releases one of my hands and places his hand on my cheek. “And I always make good on my promises. Do you forgive me?”

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