Page 54 of Mr. Heartbreaker

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I nod because I don’t really want any part of it, but Conor’s been my shoulder to cry on, and I can’t make him do it by himself. “Okay.”

He cuts his steak, and I sip my wine because I don’t have much of an appetite.

“So, what’s your plan? If you’re not going to work with Mom again, are you starting your own bridal design business?”

I finish my wine while he cuts a precise piece off his steak and puts it in his mouth. As usual, I’m delaying because I don’t want to hear his reaction.

“Well, I wasn’t going to tell you, but you’ll find out anyway. I might be buying a bar.” I clench my teeth and smile, widening my eyes with an expression like can you believe it?

I’ve been thinking a lot about it the past few weeks like Ruby asked, and I told her a couple of days ago that I’m interested.

He chokes on his piece of steak. I look around in a panic for someone to give him the Heimlich, but he clears the piece of meat himself and grabs a sip of water to recover. “You what?”

He clearly doesn’t think it’s as exciting as me.

“I don’t want to design clothes, let alone wedding gowns. Pretend like everyone is getting into some happy union when in reality it’s probably doomed to fail. Owning a bar would be fun.” I shrug.

Conor places his fork and knife down, eyes drilling into mine. “You’re going to use what money? Grandfather’s trust that you just got on your birthday? Instead of using the degree you worked your ass off to obtain?”

“I was a bartender in college that one summer, remember?”

His mouth opens, and he inhales slowly as if he’s trying to gain the patience to deal with me. “You were a bartender. Not a bar owner. Ky, it’s a little impulsive, no?”

I shrug again. I expected this reaction from Conor. I’ve never been an impulsive person—or maybe I have, but I always felt my mom pushing her thumb down and would never act on it.

“It’s not impulsive. I’ve talked to the woman who owns the bar a lot about it. I think it’s the kind of change I need.”

“Who is this woman? She’s probably trying to get rid of a place that’s most likely pulling her down into debt. So now it will be your debt.”

“It’s not like that. She said we’ll work together until I’m comfortable, and she wanted me to think about it. I did, and the more I do, the more I want the challenge.”

He groans and shakes his head. “Don’t throw your life away just because Mom did hers.” He goes back to cutting his steak, and I watch his face grow redder the more he thinks about what I want to do.

“It’s like a fresh start. I’ll get to meet new people. Have regulars. I’m excited.” And I am. Also a little scared, but I know Ruby will be by my side to show me the ropes before I officially purchase the bar.

“Come on, Ky, what are you thinking?”

“I’m thinking that I’m twenty-five. I’m thinking I’m an adult. I’m thinking that I’m able to make the decisions about what I want my future to look like.”

Truly, the only downfall is that Peeper’s Alley is right under Rowan’s condo, but he won’t be there forever. Eventually, he’ll get traded or retire and move somewhere else. And I’m not making my life decisions based on Rowan. He’s just a fling that’s destined to end soon, so that would be stupid.

“You know how many bars and restaurants close every year? And those have experienced owners.”

The waitress walks by, and I stop her, asking her for another glass of wine. Conor is driving me to keep drinking.

“How about you say, ‘That’s cool, sis, I can’t wait to check it out?’ How about you have my back on this decision?”

He leans back, wipes his mouth with his crimson-colored linen napkin, and studies me as if he’s waiting for me to back down. Not going to happen. I don’t let my eyes leave his no matter how uncomfortable he’s making it.

“I wish you would’ve run it by me first.”

“As if I need your permission?” I’m growing more annoyed by the second.

“Not permission, but we could talk it out. Look at the logistics. I mean, I don’t even know where it’s located. Who is this woman? Have you looked at the financials?”

I cross my arms and lean back in my chair. “You don’t have to know because you’re not purchasing the bar. I am. It’smydecision.” I point at my chest.

“Why don’t you just start your own boutique? Why would you go start something new? Something you know nothing about? I’m thinking about your future.” He blows out a breath and picks up his scotch glass, shaking his head as though I’m some idiot.

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