Page 47 of Mr. Heartbreaker

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“But you didn’t really react. I was crushed. I wanted to rip that man off Mom and punch her in the face. You’re just like, ‘We have to tell Dad’ and ‘What did Mom say,’ as if she could make any excuse for what I saw.” I work my way into the nooks of the table to make sure every speck of dust is gone.

“It fucking sucks that she did it, but she did. Now we have to tell Dad so he can deal with it.”

He’s so matter of fact. I don’t know if I’m envious or pissed off that he’s not wallowing in grief and anger like I am.

“Conor, she just ripped our family apart and for what? Some guy who she said was no one to her.” Just the thought of her sitting in her office chair and telling me he wasn’t anyone brings all the rage that was so hard to push down back to the surface. It makes me wish I could go back in time and relive it so I could throw my iced coffee in her face. The satisfaction of seeing it drip down her expensive leisure wear would be worth it.

“I know, Ky. I do. And I am mad, but we’re adults. This is Mom and Dad’s problem.”

I stop dusting and sit on the couch before I pass out. Did he just say it’s not our business? “They’re our parents, Conor. It affects us too. And she used us. Put us out there like some perfect family to help her business, meanwhile she’s going behind Dad’s back and fucking someone else!”

He blows out a breath. “Yeah, I know. We’ll talk more when I get in. This sucks, but ignoring it isn’t going to help. Trust me.”

“I’m not ignoring it. I confronted her, and she tried to act like it was nothing. Then she told Dad she gave me a vacation. She’s lying about everything. How can you be so calm?” I rub at a water ring on my side table.

“It’s bullshit. It is, but I feel really far away right now to really get into this. We’ll talk when I get into town.”

This is the cool, calm, and collected Conor. I’m not sure where he learned to handle crises this way.

“Fine,” I grumble.

“You’ll come apartment shopping with me? I mean, you are on vacation.”

I smile before realizing I’m still mad. There are very few people who can get me to change moods as fast as Conor. Then again, Rowan can take me from a crying mess to so turned on it takes nothing to orgasm. “Yeah, sure.”

“Now say congratulations, big brother. I can’t wait to have you home.”

I shake my head, leaning back on my couch. “Congratulations, big brother. I can’t wait to have you home.”

“There’s my little sister. I’ll text you when I get into town.”


“And Ky?” he says. “I love you, and no matter what happens, you always have me. But we’ll get through this. I’m not sure how much shit we’ll have to paddle through, but we’ll come out of this.”

And that’s why I love my big brother. “Thanks, Conor.”

“Love you.”

“Love you.”

We hang up and I sit on the couch, clutching my phone to my chest. I go to the text message Rowan sent me an hour ago and study it again. Guilt is the only reason I didn’t respond to him right away because I know I need to tell him who my brother is. Now it’s even more pressing.


I click on the reply button, and my thumbs hover over the screen. With Conor’s transfer, everything has changed. I should just send a message back to end this, but at some point, I have to tell him. With Conor coming here, there’s no doubt there will be a run-in between the three of us.

Be there in thirty.

Now I just have to walk in there and confess what I’ve been holding back and not allow his body and his words and his dick to sidetrack me before I can tell him who I really am.



Rowan isoutside the gate when my Uber pulls up outside the building.

I tried to give myself a pep talk on the way over here. We haven’t known each other for long. I should be fine with telling him we can’t see each other anymore. The problem is, I also have to tell him who I am, which compounds the problem because we don’t get to just part ways. We’ll still have to see one another when Conor is involved, and I know I won’t be able to see Rowan without remembering how good we are together.

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