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“Just tell me.” Tears gather in her eyes, but I don’t want to just spit it out. I want her to understand the situation.

“He was telling someone he’d be home tomorrow. That he was sorry they’d had such a hard day, and that he’d make it up to them when he got home. He said to book a babysitter and he’d plan a date night. That he was sorry he’d missed their wedding anniversary, but she couldn’t have all those things she liked without him working. And him working meant him traveling.”

Parker’s hand shakes even more as she reaches for her glass again. “And who was the guy, Briar?” she whispers.

“I think you know.” My gaze shifts to Gillian, who nods. “I didn’t know Chad was your husband until the day you showed up on the ranch. I swear.”

She takes a sip from her glass but tips the glass farther and farther back until she finishes it. “That’s why I agreed to meet you. He told me that Emmett hit him because I forced him to go to the ranch when they told me not to come that day. He blamed me for getting punched, but I saw your face.” Tears swim in her eyes. “Sure, there have been signs over the years, but he always made me feel like I was crazy. That I was purposely looking for something bad between us when we were happy. I’ve been with him since freshman year in college. We have three kids, and this one on the way.” She runs her hand over her stomach, eyeing my barely-there bump. “Oh god, they’re related.”

“I’m sorry.” My voice shakes.

She nods. “I need to go.” She stands and grabs her purse.

“Wait, I?—”

She stops at the opening of the room. “I know it took a lot to come to me, so thank you. And I believe you. Don’t think I don’t. I just need… time. My entire life just imploded, and I have to piece myself together because when I get home, there are three kids, not including this one, who need me. They come first, always. But…” Her gaze falls to my stomach once more. “I’ll be in touch.”

She leaves, and the tears that threatened to fall drip down my cheeks.

Gillian slides into Parker’s chair and puts her arm around me, letting me cry on her shoulder. “It’s okay. I know. It’s emotional for everyone, but”—she draws back to meet my gaze—“he did this. To both of you. Neither of you are to blame, and I know you feel like the other woman, but you weren’t because you didn’t know. You thought you were the only woman. So, don’t blame yourself for her pain. You didn’t cause it, he did.”

I nod, but I still feel like complete shit for what she has to go through.

“Now, we’re going to have a nice lunch and…” She chuckles and looks toward the doorway.

Emmett walks through with Ben right behind him.

“What the?” I look at Gillian.

“I’m a big enough person to know that you need him right now, so I told them to drive up. I knew that poor woman wasn’t going to have lunch with us. Now the four of us can get to know one another as couples. Jude and Sadie wanted to come, but Jude’s all paranoid about her being too far from the hospital.”

I hug Gillian. “Thank you.”

She pats my back. “I’m sorry. I’ll never fail you again.”

I squeeze her tightly, and when she releases me, I step into Emmett’s arms, the tears falling more steadily now.

He tucks his face into my neck. “I’ve got you.”

I close my eyes, and for the first time in my life, I feel at peace because I have everything I could ever want. Bruce was right. I’m one of the lucky ones.



I go to the Plain Daisy Ranch offices to pick up Briar because this morning, I became an uncle.

Briar’s waiting for me, sitting on the ledge of the brick wall, her head tilted toward the sun, one hand on her belly. Isn’t my future wife the most beautiful creature?

I park and step out of my truck, walking toward her. She’s working with Scarlett now as well as doing some pregnancy yoga classes. She’ll run the events that don’t have to do with The Knotted Barn after she has the baby. We’ve decided to keep the sex of the baby a surprise, so although she’s far enough along to find out, we’re not going to. Her ultrasound said the baby is healthy, and that’s all we care about.

Gillian worked her magic, and Chad signed off all his rights to the baby. I plan on adopting him or her as soon as Briar and I get married, but the baby is already mine in my heart. I’m the one who talks to it, gives it kisses, and feeds all the cravings Briar gets. And I’d have it no other way.

“Hey, sweetheart,” I say, sitting next to her. “Ready to meet the newest Noughton?”

She lowers her head and leans in to kiss my cheek. “Hey, handsome.”

“Good day?” I ask.

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