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“I’m sure.” He nods toward the clipboard.

I fill out all the information I have, digging out my insurance card from Plain Daisy Ranch. Of course they would offer their part-time employees health benefits. They might regret it when they find out I’m pregnant if their benefits package goes up. Then I stare at the Emergency Contact box. Huh. It would usually be Gillian, and I could put her. I mean, what are the chances something happens to me?

Emmett grabs the clipboard then snatches the pen, scribbling his name and phone number on the form, then hands it back to me.

“Thanks?” I say-slash-ask. My heart skips a beat that he’s being so kind about this situation. Especially since I feel like a loser. Everything in my life is up in the air, and I’m about to bring another being into the world.

“I’m your person.” He doesn’t face me, instead staring forward. “You know, until Gillian knows.”

“Definitely.” That hard thing inside me softens a little more.

He taps his fingers on his thigh. A habit I’ve noticed he has whenever he’s uncomfortable. Does being alone with me make him uncomfortable? When I first moved in, I felt that way, but now he’s almost like a friend.

When I hear his headboard hit my wall at night when he gets into bed, comfort washes over me because he feels near. It’s so stupid. I should still hate the man. Hell, I shouldn’t want any man in my life right now. But Emmett is gentle and patient with me, and those are my turn-ons. I do love his cocky side and the way he makes me laugh. He’s sexy, but this softer side he’s showing me is something I could grow to love if I don’t stop myself.

“Excuse me.” A woman comes to stand in front of Emmett, one hand resting on her swollen stomach. If I had to guess, I’d say she’s about halfway through her pregnancy. “Are you that guy from Plain Daisy Ranch?”

My eyebrows shoot up, and I whip my head to the side to look at Emmett. He raises his head, looking my way before circling back to her.

“He is,” I answer, way more excited than I probably should be.

“I see your videos on socials. I keep telling my husband I want to come down and check it out.” She sits in the chair across from Emmett. “Do you hire out for the gender reveal parties?”

Emmett chuckles and side-eyes me. “That was for my brother.”

“Yeah, I read that. Congratulations to them. I haven’t had my gender reveal yet because I want something unique. That’s what drove me to your videos. Would you consider doing mine?”

“Um…” Emmett shifts in his seat.

“Excuse my manners. My name is Parker.” She holds out her hand.

“Emmett.” He shakes it, and she moves her hand to me.

Parker looks at me with a sigh. “I don’t even remember what it was like to have a flat tummy anymore. Then again, it was never as flat as yours.” She eyes my stomach.

I politely smile and cover it up with the ends of my cardigan. “Good to meet you, I’m Briar.”

“What a pretty name. Emmett and Briar. Those names are written in the stars because you two are so darn cute. How far along are you?”

“Oh, um…” I start to tell her that Emmett isn’t the dad, but he links his hand with mine. A warm, buzzing sensation travels up my arm.

“It’s still early, but I can’t wait to watch her stomach swell with our baby.”

I force myself to smile at Emmett. He really can be a great salesman.

“Now I see why my husband’s been pushing off the idea of you doing the gender reveal. He’s probably afraid you’ll steal my heart like you did hers.” Her gaze flickers back and forth, her smile widening as she sits across from us.

“Aw, you got it all wrong. She stole mine.” Emmett squeezes my hand.

I cough and clear my throat, causing Emmett to smirk, but he gives nothing away. I have to remind myself that nothing he’s saying is true. He’s just playing some game. Either that or making it so I don’t have to confess how messed up my situation is to a perfect stranger.

Parker leans back in her seat. “Did you hear that, ladies? Briar here scored herself a real man. And he’s a cowboy.”

The other women in the waiting room give her polite smiles, and their eyes fall to our joined hands. His calluses are rough, and his hand is huge, swallowing mine, but the way he runs his thumb along the edge of my pointer finger… Jesus, he might as well be running it over my clit.

“So? Can I hire you?” Parker asks.

“Yeah, I just did that for my brother. We don’t officially?—”

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