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“Suitable? A couch?” Emmett raises his dark eyebrows. He’s so expressive with his facial features, and I like that because it’s easy to tell what he’s thinking.

“Living with other women, not a bachelor.” Gillian crosses her arms.

“I should get ready for the class.” I thumb at the studio door.

“In my house, she’d have her own room. Her own space.” Emmett’s stance moves wider, and that easygoing persona he usually has is fraying at the edges the longer this continues.

“I’m gonna go set up my mat,” Scarlett says. She, Romy, and Poppy walk into the studio.

I lean in close. “Will the two of you just stop?” I whisper. “It’s my decision and a couch is fine.” I glare at Emmett.

“It isn’t fine,” he says, and I double down on my death stare. He shakes his head. “I’ll never understand women.”

“Emmett, I love you, but go back to work.” Gillian pats his shoulder. “Come on, let’s go.” She swings her arm around my shoulders, and I give Emmett one fleeting look, hoping to convey to him to keep quiet, before allowing Gillian to lead me into the studio.

With the addition of all the cousins who Gillian probably bribed to come here, it’s actually full. I go to the front of the room, and it’s nice to be back in my element. Leaving my established studio in Chicago was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but Chad gave me no choice.

Turning on the music, I begin my class, feeling a calm that rarely comes over me except when I’m teaching.

After my class was finished, Scarlett went on and on about how she was going to recruit more people from neighboring towns, and eventually, we could incorporate a lot more things with health and wellness on the ranch. It was as if she was scared I’ll leave. Little does she know I have nowhere to go.

I walk out of The Getaway Lodge and stare at the sky, allowing the sun to heat my skin. It’s still spring though, so I zip up my sweatshirt.

“You’re not going to sleep on a couch.”

I turn to my right and find Emmett pushing himself off the wall.

“Do you ever work?” I ask, walking again to get away from any prying ears. I don’t trust Emmett to keep my secret quiet.

“It’s a benefit of being one of the owners.” He follows me toward the walking path through the grounds.

“And Jude? His days are just as leisurely?”

“Well, he takes a long lunch if you know what I mean.” He knocks his shoulder against mine.

I say nothing, but Emmett is loud. Like, the loudest person I’ve ever met. So distance from everyone is my friend right now. Once we’re hidden by some of the trees, and I don’t see anyone, I stop.

He draws back, surprised by my sudden stop.

“Listen, whatever you think you know, you don’t.”

His eyes fall to my stomach.

“Stop doing that.”

“I’m not doing anything.”

I lean in close. “It was just nerves. I’m not… you know.”

He laughs and shakes his head. “I get that a lot of people around here underestimate me, but I know I’m right. You’re preg?—”

I cover his mouth with my hand. “Shut up.” I look around us. He nips at my fingers, and I pull back, shaking my hand at my side. “What the hell?” I scour the area one more time. “Listen. You can’t tell anyone, okay?”

“So, I was right?” He beams. “Total honesty, I figured—you can’t lie very well—but for a second, I thought maybe I wasn’t piecing the puzzle together correctly, you know?”

“Emmett…” I attempt to maintain some patience with him by drawing in a deep breath. “Please, I’m asking you not to say anything.”

He crosses his arms, bringing one hand up to his mouth and tapping his pointer finger on his bottom lip. His biceps bulge, and his lips look kissable, and his eyes, the way they’re watching me… this man is my kryptonite. He always has been. “On one condition.”

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