Page 92 of Covert Mission

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Really? If Richardson disliked him that much, why had he agreed with Peters to recruit Seth and his team?

She gave Richardson a sultry smile. “You bet I am.”

“Why? We have many men here who are better candidates than Dixon.”

“A lot of reasons, sir. At the top of the list is I love Seth and have for a long time.”

Although his expression remained neutral, shock rolled through Seth. Either she was a consummate liar on an operation or Teagan meant every word she’d said to the militia leader. He wouldn’t be able to find out for sure either way until they were alone later tonight. Man, a whole day of torturous waiting to learn the truth might kill him.

He raised her hand to his mouth and kissed her palm under Richardson’s scrutiny. “Any time you’re ready to tie the knot, babe, I’ll make it happen.”

She gazed at him, her eyes sparkling. “Won’t be long, sweetheart. You have an answer for every concern I’ve raised. I won’t be able to hold out much longer.”

“Thank God,” he murmured and hugged Teagan. “I’ve been going crazy, afraid you’d turn me down and break my heart.”

Seth turned back to Richardson, who watched every second of the byplay between him and Teagan. “Now you see why I’m concerned about the perimeter watch and enforcers being trained to the highest levels. This beautiful woman is going to be my wife. I need her safe.”

“And I need trained people to guard his back for the same reason,” Teagan said to Richardson. “I need your help to keep him alive because knowing my man, he’ll be in the thick of battle if we’re attacked by the enemy.”

“And you think I can’t do the job of training the men myself?” the militia leader said, his tone acerbic as he glared at Seth.

“If you had time, I know you could. I heard the list of duties you rattled off to Peters. Respectfully, sir, it’s too much for one man to handle.”

Richardson stiffened.

“You rose in the military ranks quickly.” Thank God for the time to research before this op started. “You know how to delegate duties and responsibilities. You’re an excellent detail man.”

“What are you suggesting?”

“That you focus your skills and abilities in other areas that need your particular skill set. Let me and my team take over training the enforcers and perimeter guards to free you for other critical tasks.” He shrugged. “This is what we’re good at, sir. Use us. Given enough time, we’ll teach your men to operate like a well-oiled machine.”

The longer Seth spoke, the more thoughtful Richardson became. By the end of Seth’s speech, the other man was nodding in agreement.

“Yes, I see. Good observations, Dixon. I have to admit, I’m looking forward to resting a bit more.” Richardson chuckled. “I’m not as young as I was when I was in the military. Very well, Dixon. We’ll try it your way and see if things improve.”

Teagan’s grip around Seth’s waist tightened. “And if they don’t?”

“Like we said before, beautiful Teagan. There are consequences for every failure. Since you insist on taking over the training, I suppose you can assume your additional duties first thing tomorrow morning. Work out a rotation for guarding Peters and training the men.”

“What time do you usually train your people?” Bowen asked.

“After lunch.”

Seth frowned. That would be the first change. Training on a full stomach was bad all the way around. “Where do you meet?”

“Here in the training center, of course.”

“With your permission, sir, we’ll meet with the trainees today after lunch and set a different time for tomorrow’s sessions.”

“Sessions?” Richardson repeated. “More than one?”

“Yes, sir. We’ll also take over scheduling the watches for the camp’s perimeter.”

“Very well. They’re now in your hands.” A hard smile curved his mouth. “Just remember what I said about consequences, Dixon. I’ll be watching.” After a lingering perusal of Teagan, Richardson left the room.

Teagan scowled. “I need another shower,” she muttered.

“I won’t let him touch you, sweetheart.” He’d kill the old buzzard without a second of guilt if Richardson hurt Teagan.

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