Page 62 of Covert Mission

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Seth decided it was time to start this meeting. “What do you want with us, Peters?”

He took his time chewing and swallowing the bite of apple pie. “You’re direct. I like that in a man.” Peters dropped his fork on his plate. “The city you served so faithfully has rejected you and Noah and did nothing to keep three other fine detectives.”

“Tell us something we don’t know,” Noah snapped.

Richardson held up a hand to forestall whatever Peters was going to say. “How about you answer something for us first?”

“What do you want to know?”

“While I appreciate the pie and coffee waiting for us, how did you and your friends know how many guests to expect?”

Knight shoved his empty plate aside. “After my cousin confirmed the time of the meeting, I called Noah and Seth to make sure we were all on the same page. We just walked away from a dangerous job. It’d be a shame if we ended up in the morgue because we trusted the wrong people.”

“You already have a target on your back,” Peters said. “All of you.”

“How do you know that?” Seth demanded.

“We have friends in the department, and we keep our ears to the ground.”

And that was exactly why he didn’t want Teagan and Violet anywhere near this mission. “Were you responsible for the threat left on my windshield?”

“We don’t play childish games, Dixon.”

“We’re veering off track.” Richardson poured himself more coffee. “You’re no longer employed in law enforcement. After years protecting the public, you left your job under a cloud of suspicion.”

“We don’t need a reminder of the obvious.”

“How about an opportunity for all of you to protect innocents who desperately need your help?”

“We’re listening,” Noah said.

“Have you heard of The Brotherhood?” Richardson motioned to Knight. “Your friend here already knows the group I’m speaking about.”

Seth frowned at his friend. “The militia? Come on, Knight. We’re not mercenaries for hire.”

“Know anything better to do with our skill sets?” Knight countered. “None of us have a shot at another job in law enforcement. We should at least consider their offer.”

“Haven’t heard an offer yet,” Noah said, wrapping his arm around Violet. “Whatever the job is has to include a way for me to take Violet as well. I’m not leaving her behind.”

“Same,” Seth said. “I’m not leaving Teagan behind, either.”

Peters smiled at the women. “You both mentioned a decade in the Army. What were your skills?”

“Medic,” Violet said.

“Sharpshooter,” Teagan replied.

Richardson and Peters exchanged satisfied glances. “We couldn’t ask for anything better,” Peters said. “Both are impressive and needed skills in our organization. And you’re both easy on the eyes. Yes, we could use you in our group.” His gaze rested on Teagan.

Seth didn’t like the phrasing. “Hey,” he snapped. “Eyes right here, Peters. Teagan and Violet are ours. We don’t share. Ever.”

Although Peters chuckled, anger glittered in his eyes. “Of course. Didn’t mean to offend you, friend.”

Richardson leaned closer to Seth. “Some women in our group are free with their affections. We’re a family.”

“Forget it,” Noah said, his voice a low growl. “Violet is mine. End of story.”

“Teagan is off limits.” Seth shoved his empty coffee mug aside. “What do you want with us?”

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