Page 31 of Covert Mission

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“The women they admit into the militia either on their own merits or with a partner are beautiful.” His expression darkened. “What goes on behind the compound walls is anyone’s guess, but I don’t like the whispers on the Net. Promise you’ll be careful.”

“We always are, Zane,” Teagan said.

“If you need me, I’ll have my phone on day and night. Call or text if you need anything.” Murphy rolled toward the door. “Watch your backs, all of you.”


A SHUDDER WRACKEDTeagan’s body as her friend Zane wheeled through the doorway and into the corridor. Not good. If Zane was this worried about a mission, you could bank on this operation going sideways and not in a good way.

Violet pushed back from the table and rose. “All we can do is prepare for the worst and hope for the best.”

Noah chuckled. “You sound like a military veteran.”

She smiled, neither confirming nor denying his statement.

Seth stood and held out his hand to Teagan. “We need to return to Ardmore and establish our covers as couples before the confrontation with the LT tomorrow morning.”

She grasped his hand and allowed him to pull her to her feet as the rest of her teammates stood.

“Let’s head to the vault,” Iona said.

Noah followed Violet from the conference room. “What’s the vault?”

“You’ll see.”

Artemis and the detectives rode the elevator down to the lowest level of the basement and stepped out into the long hallway with rooms lining each side. Every door was made of reinforced steel and had an electronic lock with two security measures to pass before entrance was approved.

Teagan chose a room at the end of the hall, inputted two security codes and submitted to a retinal scan before the lockingmechanism snicked. She opened the door and motioned for Seth to go in first.

He stopped two steps inside the vault as the motion-sensor light flicked and just stared, taking in all the weapons and supplies Fortress operatives routinely carried on missions. “Holy cow, Teagan. Is this the only weapons vault Fortress has?”

“Nope. We have several weapons rooms on this level and another level with as many rooms and weapons as you see here. We also have rooms on the other side of the halls on both levels to store medical supplies.”

“Fortress could fight a war and win,” he muttered. “You have more weapons here than we do at the station.”

Teagan grabbed a supply bag from the cubby against the wall and replenished her supply of weapons. She wondered how shocked Seth would be if he saw the weapons vault at her home. Knowing her cop, he’d probably demand to see her permit for each one. Too bad for both of them, she didn’t want a record of her weapons anywhere for someone to access. Didn’t pay to let the enemy know your strengths and weaknesses. And she had enemies. All Fortress operatives did. Came with the job.

“How many vaults of weapons does Fortress keep stocked?”

“More than you want to know.” She glanced over her shoulder. “We have several black ops teams and actively recruit more each month. We need the supplies.”

“Incredible. If another country ever invaded the US, I’ll know where to come when I run out of ammunition for my weapons.”

She laughed and finished selecting supplies to replenish her stock. Although she felt the need to add more to her stockpile, Teagan resisted. The militia leaders might wonder why she was bringing enough weapons into the compound to start a war if she didn’t stop. No doubt in her mind that someone would search their rooms.

When she’d finished, Seth picked up the bag. “Anything else?”

“That’s it for me. What about you?”

His head whipped her direction. “Are you serious?”

“We’re going on a mission together. If you need it, we don’t have time to go through proper channels, Seth. Take what you need.”

“Even though I’ll be going into this compound as a disgruntled civilian, I’m still a cop. I can’t jeopardize any arrests because I didn’t follow the law.”

Her lips curved at the careful way he’d made that statement. “So, what do you want me to carry that you might have to use if the mission goes sideways?”

He rattled off a list of weapons and ammunition plus a Ka-Bar.

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