Page 133 of Covert Mission

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“Jerry and company failed to complete their mission.”

“What did they do?” Scott asked.

“They broke into our quarters with guns and knives at the ready. What do you think their plan was?”

“Are they dead, sir?”

“No one comes after me or my teammates without deadly consequences. Would you allow someone to break into your quarters and not respond to the threat?”

“No, sir.”

“Neither did we. No one will ever lay a hand on my woman or my teammates without consequences. Jerry’s plan was for him and his friends to kill me and the rest of my team, then take over security for Mr. Peters. They failed. They also planned to rape Violet and Teagan. That also failed.” Seth glanced at Bowen and gave him a chin lift.

“Form two lines,” Bowen snapped. “We’re going for a little jog, boys. Keep up or find a new job.”

Marsh, Knight, and Violet joined the trainees. Teagan stayed beside Seth. Noah pulled Kent from the pack and held him back. When the rest were gone, Noah shoved the guard to the center of the mat to face Seth.

“You deserted your post, Kent.” Seth pinned the other man with his glare. “Did you know what Jerry planned to do?”

“N-n-no, sir. He just said he was going to show you and your friends that you weren’t as good as you claimed.”

“He was dead wrong. You’re finished here, Kent.”

The other man stared. “What?”

“I won’t have a man I can’t trust guarding me or my team. You’re relieved of duty permanently. I don’t care what you do around Haven, but you won’t ever work for or with me again.”

“You can’t do that.”

“I can and I am.”

“I’ll go to Mr. Richardson,” he threatened.

“Go ahead. Still won’t change my mind. Dismissed.”

Kent fisted his hand.

“Try it,” Seth said, voice low. “You’ll regret it.”

After another minute of staring, Kent backed down and stalked from the training center. He slammed the door behind him.

“Are you sure I can’t take care of that problem for you?” Teagan asked mildly.

“I’m with her,” Noah said. “He’ll cause trouble, Seth.”

“When he does, we’ll handle it.”

“Sure, if he doesn’t shoot you in the back first.”

“He’ll run to Richardson,” Teagan said.

“Probably. I still won’t take him back for training. If Richardson insists on taking over the group’s training again, we’ll focus on our bodyguard duties with Peters. No matter what,I won’t have Kent at our backs. Don’t care who he has in his corner.”

Minutes later, the trainees staggered back into the center. Some of them dropped to the floor.

“Up,” Noah snapped. “Now. You don’t sit unless we tell you to sit.”

“Yes, sir,” was the response. The sitters scrambled to their feet.

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