Page 131 of Covert Mission

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Forty-five minutes later, the four enforcers were out of the compound and on their way to the black site.

“Orders?” Noah asked when they’d gathered in the kitchen again.

Seth glanced at his watch. “We need to go. Time to train the remaining enforcers and bodyguards. When you see Kent, pull him from the group. He’s finished.”

“Yes, sir.”

Knight folded his arms. “How will we explain the disappearance of Jerry and his cronies?”

“I’ll think of something.”

Seth locked the door behind his team and joined Teagan for the walk to the training center. He felt eyes on them from the moment they left the house.

He quartered the area as they walked, spotting four more enforcers hidden in the trees. So, he’d been right. Jerry brought backup, and the backup hadn’t noticed the team escorting Jerry and his cronies to the extraction site.

“Four in the trees,” Teagan murmured.

“I see them.”

“What do you plan to do about Kent?” She glanced at him. “I’ll be glad to handle it for you.”

His lips curved. “That would be fun to watch but another time, babe. I’ll take care of him.”

“Too bad.”

Seth couldn’t help it. He laughed. He knew Teagan was dead serious, but she was everything he’d ever wanted in a woman. His lady was delightful if a bit blood thirsty. “I love you, Teagan.”

She stared at him. “I volunteer to eliminate a problem permanently and you think it’s funny?”

“Your sense of humor is razor sharp, love.”

“So is my knife. You should remember that.”

Seth’s phone vibrated. He pulled it from his pocket and scanned the message. He scowled. Not what he wanted to hear.

Teagan wrapped her arm around his waist and leaned into him to read the screen. She growled.

“Yeah.” The files from Peters’ computer were a dead end. Zane and Riley found a date and time for The Brotherhood’s agenda but not the target.

“We have little time,” Teagan whispered.

Two days. Seth and his team had two days to figure out the target and stop The Brotherhood from shedding innocent blood.


SETH WALKED INTOthe training center and turned on the lights. Enforcers and camp guards would arrive shortly for their first day of training with Seth and his teammates. Kent’s time in the group was over. Wonder how many more would drop out or be dismissed by breakfast?

He stood in the center of the mat and looked at his team. “You ready?”

Knight grimaced. “Could have used the two hours of sleep we lost.”

“What’s the plan?” Noah asked.

“Stick to the schedule we put together yesterday. We know their capabilities. Now we weed out and hone the skills of those remaining.”

“They’ll notice their missing buddies,” Bowen murmured.

“I’m counting on it.” Nothing like a wake up call to men who thought they were better than everyone else in this camp.

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