Page 52 of SEAL's Resolve

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Rafe scowled at Eli. “Why didn’t we have the option to ditch PT for a community service project? I’d have taken that option in a heartbeat.”

“We aren’t bodyguard trainees, buddy.”

“Some of them weren’t either,” Rio pointed out, his lips curving.

“No whining,” Eli said to Rafe. “Josh will never give us an easy out. He trains us as hard as he does his own team because we’re assigned tough missions.”

Rio grinned. “I can attest to that. Although we were in the military together for years, our workout and training regimen is more rigorous now than when we were active duty soldiers.”

Kristi watched the continuing byplay, amused despite a headache growing worse by the minute. By the time she finished eating, Kristi wished she had skipped food altogether. She prayed she didn’t embarrass herself by getting sick, and desperately tried to think of a way to excuse herself without worrying Rafe or the others. She needed to lie down.


She blinked and looked at Rafe.

He cupped her cheek. “What’s wrong?”

The other people around the table fell silent, just what she didn’t want to happen. “I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not. Your skin is pale and clammy. Tell me what’s wrong so I can help, baby.”

No use lying to him or the others. If something didn’t change fast, she wouldn’t be able to hide it anyway. “A bad headache growing worse by the second and nausea.”

Jackson was on his feet in an instant. “Rafe, help Kristi to her room. I’ll follow you up in a minute. Darcy, do you have chamomile or mint tea?”

“Take care of Kristi,” Rio said. “I’ll bring the tea and cold packs.”

Rafe helped Kristi to her feet and slid his arm around her waist as he escorted her from the kitchen with Jackson following behind.

Dismay filled Kristi when she realized she didn’t know which room she’d been assigned. “I don’t know where to go,” she murmured.

Rafe tucked her closer to his side. “Your room is across the hall from mine.”

“How many bedrooms does this house have?”

“Plenty.” He assisted her upstairs to the third floor and down the hall to the last room on the right at back of the house.

Instead of turning on the overhead light, Rafe turned on the lamp on its lowest setting, then mounded pillows against the headboard. “Stay upright long enough to drink the tea Rio’s preparing.” He crossed the room to the closet and pulled a blanket from the shelf, then draped the blanket over her.

“I’m not cold.”

“You will be by the time I remove the cold packs.” He turned as Jackson came into the room with his bag.

The medic pulled out a packet of capsules and handed two to Kristi. “Take these when Rio brings your tea.” Reaching into the bag again, he grabbed a white packet and ripped open the package. Jackson held up a small square patch. “This is an anti-nausea patch. My teammates swear by these things. Want to try it?”

When she nodded, the medic peeled off the paper backing and pressed the patch to the skin behind her right ear. “The medicine could take up to an hour to kick in. Hopefully, the tea will help until then. If it doesn’t, you might have to sip a carbonated drink to settle your stomach. When was the last time you took pain meds?”

She frowned, trying to remember. “I’m not sure.”

“Did you take anything for pain after Rio gave you the pain pills earlier today?” Rafe asked.


Jackson grimaced. “No wonder you feel lousy. The meds wore off.”

Rio walked into the room holding a to-go cup in one hand and two cold packs in the other. “Chamomile-mint tea and life-saving cold packs.” He handed the cup to Kristi. “This room has an attached bathroom, and all the trashcans in every room are lined. Makes it easier to take care of sick operatives and trainees.” Rio smiled. “You can ask Rafe about that when you feel better.”

“Shut up, Kincaid,” Rafe muttered.

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