Page 100 of SEAL's Resolve

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“I can imagine. Look, Hugh and I were friends, but that’s all. I’m interested in someone else.”

Adams’ gaze shifted to Rafe. “I can see that.”

“What about Hale and Howell?” Eli asked, dragging the conversation back on track.

“Hale is a loose cannon. Doesn’t take much to set him off. He was dishonorably discharged, too, but he’s a company favorite as a bodyguard since he’s big and strong.” He grimaced. “The ladies seem to love him.”

Kristi frowned. “He followed me around for a couple of days when I complained to Dad that I thought someone was watching me. Hale said I was imagining things.”

Rafe kissed her palm. “Always trust your instincts, Kristi. You were right.”

“What about Howell?” Eli asked.

“Loser with a weakness for stealing stuff. He was mall security before Ward hired him. Can’t figure out how he keeps his job. The dude sleeps on shift all the time.”

“Is he your partner?”

Adams grimaced. “Yeah. He asked for the night shift on this detail. I had already been assigned to night watch. I have trouble sleeping at night. Makes the most sense for me to work the graveyard shift. Besides, I don’t have a family except for Mom, and she doesn’t live with me. No one complains when I’m gone all night on watch.”

All of that matched up with the information Rafe had read on Adams’ team. “Who fired a bullet through Kristi’s window yesterday?”


Kristi’s breath caught at Rafe’s blunt question. Guess he should have told Kristi that he suspected one of her security team members had fired into her workroom.

Adams stared at Rafe. “I didn’t know about the window. How do you know one of the security team fired the shot?”

“Educated guess. We saw the company’s logo on the side of a tactical boot.”

“Doesn’t mean one of us is the culprit. Ward Security employs hundreds of people.”

“We’ll tear apart the lives of every person in your company if necessary to find the culprit.”

“Including Hugh Ward?”

“Already in progress. I won’t let him slide.” Especially since Ward had a motive for having Kristi kidnapped for ransom. If he’d engineered the kidnapping, Ward either did a poor job of planning the snatch-and-grab, or hired inept kidnappers. They had botched the job by hurting Kristi and allowing her to escape.

Adams looked at Eli. “Need more information? I have to check in soon.”

“We’ll find you if we have more questions.”

“What about the equipment? WS will want it returned.”

“Tell your supervisor that Kristi’s new security team confiscated the cameras and flushed the bugs. If WS wants the cameras, your supervisor will have to contact Maddox. Can you access the security footage recorded before we removed the cameras?”

A nod.

“Will you duplicate the footage and send it to Eli?” Rafe appreciated Adams analyzing the situation before answering. The man had honor and integrity, and wouldn’t cross those boundaries.



“What you plan to do with the footage.” He flicked a glance at Kristi, then returned his gaze to Rafe. “I may not be on Ms. Stewart’s security detail any longer, but she was my responsibility and I don’t want the footage to wind up all over the Internet.”

Rafe held Adams’ gaze. “I won’t allow that to happen. Kristi means too much to me. I’ll always have her best interests at heart.”

“Strong words, but you still didn’t answer my question.”

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