Page 42 of SEAL's Promise

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“That’s a good enough recommendation for me. You’re hired, Jackson. At this point, I don’t trust anyone I don’t know.”

Wise choice. Whoever headed this terrorist group was well connected. He’d prefer Jackson or Jesse work on Rachelle unless she was critically injured. That possibility made his stomach twist into a knot. He wouldn’t let anyone that close to the woman coming to mean so much to him.

“Excellent.” Jackson told her he was going to use lidocaine to numb the area.

The medic continued to talk her through his treatment steps as Cal drove a winding road through the countryside, alert for more trouble. As he drove, he listened to the question-and-answer session with Rachelle and Jackson.

Minutes later, Cal’s cell phone rang. He placed the call on speaker. “You’re on speaker.”

“How is Rachelle?” Eli asked.

“She needs stitches. Jackson has already used lidocaine. We’re waiting for the medicine to kick in. Do you have an update?”

“Nobody on our six. Amy and Eric have landed. The pilot and Max are checking the helo for a tracker. Jackson, can Rachelle tolerate detours to the safe house?”

Rachelle answered for herself. “I’ll be fine while you and the others make sure we don’t lead the terrorists to Amy and Eric.”

“I hear you. Tell Cal if you reach the point where you can’t handle any more.”

“Yes, sir.”

But Cal heard the stubbornness in her voice. She’d rather suffer than endanger Eric and Amy. He glanced in the rearview mirror and caught Jackson’s eye. The medic gave a slight nod. His teammate would monitor Rachelle.

Ten minutes later, Jackson said, “Do you feel this, Rachelle?”


“Perfect. Cal, we need a smooth ride for a few minutes.”

“You got it.”

“Turn on the overhead light. Why don’t you talk to the lady unless you need me to plead your case for you.”

He snorted. “No thanks, buddy. If she listens to you, I won’t stand a chance with her.”

“Cal is a good guy, you know,” Jackson said. “Even though he is a rough around the edges. With coaching from me, he’ll make a passable boyfriend.”

His eyes narrowed. Great. Some help he was. “Thanks for the ringing endorsement, Jackson. I’ll be lucky if she doesn’t dump me before we arrive in Maple Valley.”

The medic was silent a moment, then said, “Wait. You mean you two are an official couple?”

“If you haven’t convinced Rachelle that I’m not worth the risk, yeah, we are.”

“Fat chance of that,” she murmured.

“All right!” Jackson said. “About time you manned up, Taylor.”

“Shut up, Conner.”

His teammate laughed. “Been waiting for you to grow a backbone. I was ready to ask Rachelle out myself since I didn’t believe you’d follow through.”

He growled. “You’re pushing your luck.” His aggravating teammate laughed at Cal’s embarrassment. “Pay attention to your job.”

“I’m half finished. If you talk to her, I won’t share interesting bits of information.”

“Lighten up, Jackson,” Rachelle said. “Cal’s been talking to me.”

“Is he saying anything worth listening to?”

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