Page 14 of SEAL's Promise

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One by one, the rest of his teammates reported that their targets were down.

“Five more bogeys joined the party in the warehouse district,” Zane reported. “Three are still roaming the perimeter near the women. The rest split up and are searching the remaining three warehouses.”

Cal moved toward the warehouse where Rachelle hid with her friend. “How many inside with the women?”


“Stay on task,” Eli whispered to Cal. “We’re two minutes out.”

Right. He scowled. At least six men stood between him and Rachelle with more ready to aid their comrades at the first sign of trouble.

At the edge of the woods, Cal crouched beside Eli and watched the men patrolling the perimeter. When Jackson, Jon, and Rafe joined them, Eli leaned close to Jackson. “Dart the guy on the corner. Jon and I will take care of the other two. Rafe, Cal, go after the women while we bag the trash.”

When Jackson was ready, Eli waited until the other guards turned away from the corner man. “Go.”

Jackson pulled the trigger. The dart lodged in the man’s throat. Eyes widening, the thug removed the dart. Seconds later, he was on the ground, unconscious.

Eli and Jon came up behind their targets and took them down with no fuss.

While they moved the bodies out of sight, Cal and Rafe ran to the back door of the warehouse.

Rafe tried the knob, looked at Cal, and shook his head. Great. Another delay. His teammate grabbed his lock picks. Seconds later, the tumblers clicked.

Stepping to the side, he twisted the knob and eased the door open. When no one fired a shot or shouted, Rafe slipped inside the warehouse with Cal on his heels.

Noises came from the area of the warehouse where Rachelle and Amy hid. Praying he wasn’t too late, Cal headed toward the offices.

Flashlights glowed in two offices, one on each side of the corridor. Peering into first office with movement, Cal spotted one man searching the interior of the room.

He signaled Rafe that he had one man in the office. Rafe indicated the same. Cal grabbed his Ka-Bar and slid into place behind his target. Seconds later, he eased the body to the floor.

Moving to the next office, he checked the interior. Empty aside from a desk, chair, and a few boxes. He continued to the next office, the one beside the corner office. A muffled curse came from inside the room.

Cal palmed his Ka-Bar. When the terrorist stalked from the office and turned toward the corner room, Cal slipped up behind him, clamped his hand over his mouth, and plunged the blade into the man’s kidney. He dragged the man out of sight and lay the body on the ground.

Rafe joined him in the hall and they walked to the corner office. Cal looked inside. No terrorist. No sign of the women.

He frowned. Were they hiding in a different place? “Rachelle, it’s Cal.”

A soft gasp sounded from the direction of the desk. A moment later, Rachelle crawled out from under the desk and ran to him.

Although protective gear prevented him from feeling more than her slight weight, he wrapped his arms around her and held her close. “You okay?” he whispered.

“I am now. Is it safe?”

“We neutralized several terrorists. More are close.”

Rafe helped Amy from beneath the desk as Cal activated his comm system. “Packages secured.”

“Copy,” Eli murmured.

“Incoming,” Zane said. “Eight bogeys heading to your location.”

“Move, Cal,” Jon said.

“Copy.” Cal released Rachelle and wrapped his hand around hers. “Got company. We have to leave.”

“The window opens without noise. I checked.”

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