Page 104 of SEAL's Promise

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“Fifteen minutes.”

An eternity when you stared down the barrel of a gun. At least, Rachelle was in the safe room. The gunmen wouldn’t get their hands on her as along as she stayed put. “Copy that.”

He ended the call and sent Rachelle a text. “Help is coming. Stay in place.”

Sliding his phone away, Cal resumed the hunt for the tenth man, fighting every instinct he had to stay on task rather than race to the ranch to protect Rachelle.

“Nine down,” Eli whispered. “Jon?”

“Nothing,” came the soft response. “Ten is out here. I feel him.”

“Let’s find him and get back to the ranch.”

“Copy that.”

The next few minutes were spent combing the woods near the house. Finally, Jackson whispered, “Ten down.”

Thank God. “Eli.”

“Go. I’ll contact Brody, tell him we took down ten tangos. David can send a cleanup crew to collect the trash out here. Our priority is Rachelle.”

No longer concerned about stealth, Cal ran to the SUVs and stored his gear in the backseat as Jackson sprinted from the cover of the trees. The medic climbed into the passenger seat, dropping his mike bag beside Cal’s gear.

Cal started the engine and shoved the SUV into gear as his teammates raced for the second SUV.

His phone vibrated. Cal tossed it to Jackson. “Read it.”

“It’s Rachelle. The gunmen breached the house and are threatening to kill Mrs. Grady if Rachelle doesn’t give herself up in the next minute.”

Cal floored the SUV.

“What do I tell her?”

He longed to order Rachelle to remain in the safe room, but knew without asking that she wouldn’t comply. Cal didn’t blame her. “On my way. Stall, baby.”

Seconds later, his phone buzzed again. He glanced at Jackson whose eyebrows shot up. “What did she say?”

“I love you.” The medic looked at him. “Is there something you want to tell the class, Taylor?”

“I’m going to marry that woman one day soon.”

Jackson reached over and squeezed Cal’s shoulder. “Congratulations, Cal. You’re a lucky man.”

“A man blessed beyond measure.” His stomach twisted into a knot. “I can’t lose her.”

“You won’t. She’s smart and resourceful. These men don’t know who they’re going up against. We’ll take them down.”

Of course they would. But would they reach the ranch in time to spare Rachelle’s life? Cal wouldn’t let himself think of the worst. She had to be alive when they reached the Rocking M. He honestly didn’t know how he would react if she wasn’t.

Driving well past the speed limit, Cal slid around curves and floored the accelerator on the straightaways, praying every mile.

Finally, the entrance to the ranch came into view. Since the gates stood open, Cal barreled through the opening and raced to the ranch house. Police SUVs with lights still circling were parked in front of the house. Cal bailed from the SUV with his Sig in hand and raced toward the front door.

The knob turned easily under his hand. Stepping to the side of the frame, he eased the door open. He heard David’s voice, then the voice of one of his brothers.

“It’s Cal and the rest of Wolf Pack,” he called out. “We’re coming in soft.”

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