Page 90 of Shadow Undercover

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Bridget blinked back the burn of tears. Maybe they would find Ruth’s location today. She prayed her sister would hold on a little longer without feeling the need to push back against Hugo’s will.

Needing to distract herself, she thought back to Nico’s last statements. “How does your wife feel about your job?”

“Mercy knew who and what I was from the moment we met. She married me despite the demands of my job.”

“If she asked you to change jobs, would you?”

He glanced at her over his shoulder. “If forced to choose between my job or Mercy, she’d win every time. My wife refuses to make me choose. When I start slowing down, I’ll request a different role in Fortress. That won’t happen for a while. We make a difference. Mercy knows asking me to quit could cost innocent people their lives. Consider that before you ask Trace to change his life for you.”

“Asking him to change his life wouldn’t be fair. I’m either strong enough to handle his job or I’ll walk away before we’re too deeply involved.”

The problem was, Bridget was almost positive it was already too late for her. Trace Young was fast capturing her heart.

A short time later, Trace walked onto the balcony with a mug of coffee in his hand. “Get some rest, Nico. I’ll take over.”

“I’ll be back in two hours with the rest of Shadow. We’ll contact Zane and see what he found overnight.”

Trace moved a chair beside Bridget’s and sat. “Should I punch Nico?”

Her head whipped toward him. Had he overheard her conversation with Nico? “Why?”

“He upset you.”

“He only said what I’ve been thinking.”

Speculation lit his gaze. “Tell me.”

“I can’t ask you to change your job and your life without knowing there are consequences.”

He stilled.

“I didn’t plan to do that. I’ve seen what you do and I know why your job is critical. I wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for you.”

Trace relaxed. “You’re okay with my job?”

“You’re a package deal. If I want you, I deal with the job. Demanding that you change careers wouldn’t be fair.” She laid her hand on his forearm. “You have to be good at your job or you wouldn’t be working for Fortress. The company seems secretive and selective.”

“True on both counts. We don’t advertise. We don’t have to. Word of mouth gets the job done. The boss takes recommendations but the only way to get a job interview is to be asked by Maddox to apply. He vets all potential employees personally, conducts extensive background checks, then extends invitations to the best candidates. Even then, some of the trainees wash out in the first month at PSI.”

“So, I’m right. You’re excellent at your job.”

He lifted one shoulder. “I train and work hard. I have great teammates. We look out for each other. Nico will do anything necessary to get us home in one piece.”

Bridget thought about what she’d seen and observed over the past few days in Nico’s company. Shadow’s leader would sacrifice himself to protect the others and his team felt the same about him and each other.

Enough heavy discussion for this early in the morning. Time to refocus on what was to come. “What’s on the agenda today?”

“We’ll evaluate the information Z gathered overnight and formulate a plan of attack.” He grimaced. “This afternoon, we’ll buy clothes for tonight.”

She grinned. “Not a fan of tuxes?”

He snorted. “If you ever wore a tie, you wouldn’t ask. They choke me.”

She’d heard the same sentiment from teachers and administrators for years. Working with men more comfortable in fatigues and t-shirts would be a novelty.

After Trace finished his coffee, they returned to the suite where he placed another large order of breakfast food. Good grief. If Hugo got wind of how much food they ordered, he’d wonder if they hid a football team in here.

When the food arrived, Trace informed the other operatives. Following the meal, Shadow and Phantom called Zane.

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