Page 41 of Shadow Undercover

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She looked at the room again. No, she wasn’t worried over nothing. Someone had broken into their home, violating their safe space. Was it Hugo or someone else?


Trace slid the last weapon, a knife, into his boot and straightened to see Bridget standing nearby with her arms wrapped around herself. “You okay?” When she shook her head, he crossed the empty space between them and wrapped his arms around her.

He could imagine how helpless she felt. The two officers had taken prints and pictures, filled out reports, and left with a promise to drive by several times during their shift and request the other shifts do the same for the next few days. A lot of bad things could happen between their rounds.

“I better clean Ruth’s room. I don’t want her to return to that mess.”

“I’ll help.” He activated his comm system. “Nico, I’m staying with Bridget. The rest of you can go. We’ll start the search for Hugo tomorrow.”

“Copy that. Ben volunteered to help you keep watch.”

He should have known. Shadow had each other’s backs, no matter what the circumstances. “Thanks, Ben.”

“No problem. I’ll do another perimeter check and come inside.”

“I want to know about any developments overnight, Trace,” Nico said.

Sam chimed in. “Does Bridget need pain meds before Joe and I leave?”

He looked at the woman still in his arms. “Do you need more pain meds?”

She shrugged. “I’m fine right now.”

He knew from experience that pain grew worse at night, maybe because you didn’t have anything to distract your attention. “Drop it off before you go, Sam. If Bridget doesn’t need the medicine, we’ll return it tomorrow.”

Trace removed his comm device and stored it in the gear bag he’d retrieved from his SUV. “Ben’s staying, too.”

“You don’t have to do that. You and Ben must be exhausted.”

Did she think he’d leave her to sleep in an unsecured house without protection? “I’m not leaving you here alone.”

“I feel guilty for keeping you awake again.”

“Don’t. I’m here because I want to be.”

“All right. Thanks. Do you or Ben need coffee?”

“That would be great. The stronger, the better.”

“I’ll start a pot.” She hurried into the kitchen.

A soft knock sounded on the door.

Trace checked the peephole to see Sam on the other side. He admitted the medic and her husband.

Sam handed him a packet containing four capsules. “Two capsules for each dose at six-hour intervals.”

“Appreciate it.” He slid the packet into his pocket.

“How is she?” Joe asked.

“Disappointed Ruth’s not here, worried about her sister’s safety, and concerned her home isn’t safe.”

“We’ll fix that soon. A team of operatives will be here in the morning to evaluate her security. Bridget will have a top-flight security system installed within a couple days.” He clapped Trace on the shoulder. “Call if you need us.” With that, he threaded his fingers through Sam’s and left.

Trace watched them as they walked to their SUV, envious of their close bond. Maybe one day he’d have the same bond with a woman. He mentally pushed aside the picture of Bridget that formed in his mind as a possible candidate and waited for Ben to return from his rounds.

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