Page 28 of Under Fire

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After a quick glance at Delilah, the coffee shop owner shook her head. “I’d like an iced tea to go.”

Cade caught the waiter’s attention and asked for a to-go cup of tea for each of them. After the drinks were delivered and Matt paid the bill, the two couples made their way through the restaurant.

Halfway to the door, Delilah jerked to a stop.

Matt turned to see Zach Frost gripping Delilah’s arm, preventing her from leaving. He captured the man’s wrist in a painful grip.

Delilah’s brother hissed and released her arm. He cursed at Matt. “Who do you think you are? That’s my sister.” His words were slurred, his eyes unfocused and bloodshot.

“You must be Zach. I’m Matt, Delilah’s friend.” He slid his arm around her waist, leaving no doubt in anyone’s mind that he claimed Delilah as his. A caveman tactic, one he hoped would send a message that he was possessive and didn’t like his woman manhandled.

“Where did you dig up this Neanderthal, Dee?” Zach turned his gaze to Delilah.

“I need to go. We can catch up later.”

“Hold on a minute. Let me look at you.”

Matt nudged Delilah further away from her brother and cousins. “Delilah wants to spend time with your mother before visiting hours are over.”

“What for? The old bat is out of it most of the time. Sit, Dee. I’ll even buy you a drink for old times’ sake.”

“We’ll see you at the hospital.” Although he doubted the hospital staff would kick them out given the circumstances, Matt would use the excuse of a time limitation to spirit Delilah from the restaurant without causing a scene. He escorted her from Legacy’s with the Ramseys close behind.

Delilah didn’t say anything on the trip to the hospital. When he parked, Cade said, “Sasha and I will meet you in the lobby.” They left the vehicle and walked to the hospital, holding hands.

Matt ran the backs of his fingers gently down Delilah’s cheek.

“My brother was drunk.”

“People deal with death in different ways.”

Delilah flicked him a look. “He’s added alcohol to his gambling habit. Zach is in a downward spiral that will cost him everything if he doesn’t turn himself around.”

“Your brother has to choose. You can’t guilt him into changing because it won’t stick. He has to want to change his life just like you did. You can encourage him, Delilah. Ultimately, it’s up to him.”

She leaned close, kissed him, then hugged Matt. When Delilah released him, she gave him a light kiss.

He squeezed her nape and climbed from the SUV. They rode the elevator with Cade and Sasha. As before, the Ramseys waited in the hall while Delilah and Matt went into the room.

Instead of Randy slumping in the same chair, Delilah’s stepfather bent over Michelle with a pillow in his hands. Alarms were going off.

Delilah gasped. “Randy, what have you done?”

Matt hurried to Michelle, glancing at the monitors. Flat line. He touched his fingers to her neck to check for a pulse. Nothing. He looked at a wide-eyed Randy. “Does your wife have a DNR order in place?”


“Do not resuscitate.”


Matt started CPR. Within a minute, medical personnel dashed into the room. As soon as one of them took over CPR, he led Delilah into the hall at the bidding of the doctor. Randy belligerently refused to leave.

Matt wrapped his arms around his girl and pulled her tight against his chest.

“What’s going on?” Cade asked.

“Michelle coded.”

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