Page 111 of Under Fire

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“How soon will the satellite be in position?”

“Five more minutes.”

Matt slowed for the turn off the highway and plunged ahead. “Run the sequential photos from our satellite. I’m on the dirt road now.”

“No need. I’ve located Lisa Walters’s vehicle. I’m sending you the coordinates.”

“Where is it?”

“In the heart of Frost’s property.”

“Send the same information to Bravo. I need to know what’s happening in that forest, Zane.”

“I’ll contact you as soon as I get anything.”

Matt keyed the new coordinates into his navigation system. Fifteen, twenty minutes max before he’d find the silver SUV. He prayed he didn’t find Delilah’s body as well.


Delilah stopped behind a large outcropping of rocks, hand pressed to her side and gasping for air. She was in good shape after so many hours of swimming, but this pace was grueling, especially with cracked ribs.

She glanced at her watch. The creepy foursome should be on the move now. Would they split up or come after her as a group? Separately, she decided. Shane had promised her as a prize to whoever caught her first.

How could her own kin turn against her? She wasn’t a prize horse to be auctioned off to the highest bidder, but that’s what she felt like. Once she caught her breath, Delilah turned her attention to her top priority.

She needed a plan. Running blind through the woods wouldn’t help her escape experienced hunters. The four people tracking her through the woods were familiar with the terrain.

Delilah studied the area and chose the hardest packed dirt and rocks to walk on. She didn’t want to leave a trail a mile wide pointing to her location.

She started off again, grim determination filling her. She wouldn’t make this easy for them. The less of a trail she left behind, the better her chances of survival. Although Delilah knew Matt was coming, she had to find a way to save herself in case Shane and his cronies found her first.

Ten minutes later, Delilah darted into a thick stand of trees and hid behind the largest tree trunk. She struggled to quiet her breathing, ears straining to listen for a repeat of the noise she’d heard.

Delilah prayed the noise indicated a deer or something innocent. Better yet, she hoped Matt was behind her. Zero chance of that, though. Bravo didn’t make any noise unless they wanted you to know they were near.

At her feet lay a tree limb the thickness and size of a baseball bat and nearly the same length. With careful, slow movements, Delilah lifted the stick. Relief filled her. Perfect. Solid and strong. Although she longed for a gun, Delilah didn’t know how to shoot a gun anyway. She’d probably end up shooting herself by accident. Another skill she needed to learn from Matt. She just had to survive to learn those skills.

Footsteps drew near. Delilah pressed her back against the tree. She waited, gaze glued to the area on her right. Leaves rattled and a branch snapped. Terror swept through her. Not Matt. Animal or one of her pursuers?

She tightened her grip as Lisa moved into view. The other woman paused fifteen feet away, studying the ground with a puzzled frown. Would she pass by and search elsewhere?

Lisa held the rifle loosely in her hands as she moved further into the stand of trees and closer to Delilah.

Not good. Delilah tensed, prepared to fight for her life. Lisa kept coming, her gaze focused on the ground. Cheeks flushing, she swore, frustration evident in her voice.

When the other woman drew even with Delilah, she glanced up. Excitement flared and she started to raise the rifle.

Delilah swung the stick and hit the side of Lisa’s head. The other woman flew back and slammed into a nearby tree trunk. She fell to the ground, unmoving.

Afraid the other woman was faking unconsciousness, Delilah kept her stick ready as she kicked the rifle away from Lisa’s slack hands. No response.

Delilah needed to search Lisa for a phone. She prayed Shannon’s assistant had kept her cell phone with her. She would want to brag to her buddies that she’d found Delilah.

A cell phone was in Lisa’s shirt pocket. Thank God. She turned on the phone and breathed a sigh of relief that Lisa hadn’t bothered to use a screen lock.

Delilah called Matt’s cell phone.

He answered with a whispered, “Yeah?”

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