Page 11 of Under Fire

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“Why not you? You’re beautiful, you care about people.” He smiled. “You know how to keep a secret. I enjoy your company and I miss you like crazy when I don’t see you every day.”

“But you could have anyone.”

“The only woman I want is you. Would you be interested in dating me?”

“I did a great job hiding how I feel if you couldn’t tell I’m crazy about you, too.”

All the tension left his body. Thank God.

“Matt, I have baggage. Body image issues the size of Godzilla.”

Yeah, he knew. “Understandable considering your history. We’ll take this as slow as you need, Delilah. Give me the chance to help you see yourself like I see you.”

“How do you see me?”

“As a beautiful, desirable woman with a heart of gold, a spine of steel, and an iron will. You’re one of the strongest people I’ve met.”

“You need your eyes examined,” she muttered.

He laughed, delighted with her. “Stick with me, my lady, and I’ll prove it to you.”

“Good luck with that.” Delilah shifted closer to Matt. “I’ll count every day with you as a blessing.”

She didn’t expect their relationship to last. Anger burned in Matt’s gut. Delilah’s family had done a number on her as she grew up. He hoped he had a chance to meet them face-to-face soon. “So will I. How’s your stomach?”

“Starting to settle. Thanks for asking for the medicine.”

He slid his arm around her shoulders, grateful for the right to touch her at last. “Try to rest. It’s the best way to convince Doc Anderson to spring you in a few hours.”

After she fell asleep in his arms, Matt kissed her temple and settled back to enjoy holding her the rest of the night. Two hours later, Simon poked his head in the door and nodded at Matt. Shift change.

At five, noise in the hallway caught Matt’s attention. Sounded like the hospital employees were stirring. Hopefully, Dr. Anderson would stop in soon and conclude Delilah had improved enough to release her.

Within half an hour, Delilah stirred, opened her eyes, and froze. “Matt. You’re still here.”

“Good morning, beautiful. How do you feel?”

“Better. When can I leave?”

“As soon as Dr. Anderson signs your release papers. My SUV is in the parking lot so we won’t have to wait for a ride.”

“Is Trent still here?”

Matt shook his head. “Simon took over at two. Knowing Trent, he’s fixing breakfast for Grace.”

“Sweet.” She looked wistful. “It’s obvious they adore each other.”

“Are you hungry?”

“A little. I’ve seen what they serve around here for breakfast. I don’t think I can handle Memorial Hospital cuisine.”

“A plain bagel and hot tea might settle well. You game to try that?”

“Sounds wonderful.”

“Great. Our first official date.”

Delilah bit her lip. “I need to go home first. I want to change clothes.”

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