Page 26 of Purrfectly Bound

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That one was way better, in Lance’s opinion. His Neta’s recognizable shaved head was covered by a neon yellow snow cap. Obviously his mate’s doing. Lance stifled his laughter, but he wasn’t fooling anyone. Hunter just glared at his guard.

It was hard to take him seriously with the two twins giggling with delight. One was drooling on said skullcap, and the other was kicking her booted feet into her father’s abdomen. They’d obviously been on some kind of family romp through the woods.

Lance knew it was a family walk, because a moment later he was shoved aside by a small blonde whirlwind. The Nari was in his cabin, and she was seething.

“Where is she? You are in so much trouble,” Elissa reached into her pocket and pulled out a water pistol, which she then emptied in Lance’s face, “Bad kitty!”

“Bbbaaddd!” squealed Milly.

“Kkiiittteeeee!” Celia was next.

Traitorous munchkins. He mock-frowned at them and they giggled some more.

“Okay, enough of that,” Hunter took the gun from his wife, who was still searching the cabin, “Where is the human?”

“Neta, with all due respect, she is my mate-”

“Ha! As if that matters,” Elissa squeaked, “There are rules, buddy. You can’t just go around biting people without consequences. Oh, well,” she finally stopped long enough to look at the younger Tiger, “Well, at least you showed her a good time. Right? Am I right? I mean cause, Lance, I always thought of you as way too young for me, but I have to say, you look old enough to- What?” Elissa turned and rolled her eyes at her husband who was openly snarling to his twins’ delight.

Lance frowned, squirming under his Nari’s gaze. Shit. Hunter’s skin was peppered with the orange and black fur of his beast the second he caught on to his wife’s perusal of his guard’s body. Lance was almost compelled to drop to his knees.

“Please, Neta,” he said, “Allow me to put on some clothes, and I will tell you both everything.”

“Honey, stop growling,” she put her hand on Hunter’s arm, “You know you are the only pussy for me,” she whispered not nearly low enough, but the Neta stilled and Lance took the opportunity to grab some clothes.

Thank fuck. He really didn’t want Elissa ogling him. Like as in ever. That would be like his older sister getting an eyeful. Gross!

Even more than that, he did not want Hunter to rip his fucking head off. The Neta was fiercely possessive of his mate. Something Lance could totally relate to. Either way, he wasn’t into strutting with his junk out in front of the Nari. And of course, then there were the twins to think of.

Eeeek!Even his Tiger couldn’t allow that scenario to play out. Hunter would kill him for sure. Nudity was common around Shifters, but that was between shifting. Not just for the hell of it.

Lance and his Tiger both agreed. There was only one woman he wanted to witness his nudity. But Anna had run out on him before he had the chance to explain. Shit.

“Spill!” the Nari commanded from behind the door.

Lance frowned as he tugged on his pants and socks, but he did as asked. He told them both everything. Every single detail, well, except the X-rated ones. Those were to be shared with one person only. His Annalia. And he would get her back. He had to.

“Really, no good parts?” he heard the frown in Elissa’s voice, and rolled his eyes.

“I saw that!”


“Just hurry already!”

“Damn,” he growled, tugging on his boots, “I’m going to be late! My car is still at the event from last night.”

Lance cursed himself for a fool. He had no car, no girl, and the ruling couple of the Maverick Pride had come to his cabin on foot. He was beside himself. Taking a deep breath, he rested his elbows on his knees, and placed his hands on his head.

Staring at the area rug where he’d knelt and worshiped his mate’s sweet body last night. Fuck. How could things have gone so wrong, so fast?

Then he saw it. Annalia’s inhaler. It must have tumbled from her purse last night.

Oh no. What if she needed it? What if she had an asthma attack? Shit! He had to get it to her. He could Shift, and Elissa could tie a bag with his clothes around his neck. Yes, that could work.

“Nari,” he said, and opened the door, “can you help me, I’m going to-”

“Go outside and get the keys from Brayden?” she supplied with a knowing smirk.

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